DCS 2.X Video Thread

Music video mashup from footage I’ve collected over 2024.


Don’t be low and slow all on your own near the front line :smiley:


Hey, I just discovered this guy in Ytube. He is really informative and has a ton of videos on DCS aircraft. Go on and give him some love(ok, a like) and subscribe if you like his stuff. He is informative and to the point without all the fluff.


Got a bit lucky here but it’s so satisfying when you nail shots like that


Somebody’s been practicing deflection gunnery! :wink:


I’m usually not that good a shot but with enough opportunities… :smiley:



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Another successful bounce:


The 190 just shreds them.


A Rotte or Schwarm of Antons is a terrifying opponent in capable hands but it needs experience and the pilots must know how to exploit its strengths (high speed handling, roll rate, armament). The toughest opponents for the Anton is the Spitfire/Pony combo. The Pony will run you down (the Anton is faster than the Spitfire at most altitudes) and then when it forces you to maneuver the spitfire will catch up and it’s impossible to defend this without superior numbers. While two Ponies are incredibly difficult opponents to face and should come out on top, especially in a neutral(ish) setup, the combination of the high speed of the Pony with the maneuverability and lethality of the Spitfire (those hispano cannons do hurt if they hit!) is the more dangerous combination imho.

My wingman and I win 90% of our fights before even going into the fight. It’s all about getting a decisive advantage before entering into an engagement and being mindful of opportunities to escape (mostly into clouds). This often results in engagements where we have an altitude advantage or where one of us lures the opponent while the other sneaks up on his six.


In all my years i think i could count on one hand my 190A kills. Its very difficult for me to fly. I dont do well against Ponies, forget Spits. I mostly die in the 190. Id love to get a lesson from u on how to fly it.

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Sure, we can go over basics some time but most of it is in the setup and flying as a team. A lone fighter is easy prey if he is not careful.

Two pairs of eyes see more than one and there’s the benefit of mutual support. What I like about the Anton is that it’s a capable fighter-bomber that can dish out a lot of pain in an air to air engagement as well. Quite similar to the jug in that regard although the jug is definitely the overall more capable fighter, especially at high altitude.


That would be amazing. I spent too much time overseas where my Ping was bad to horrible inspite of very expensive internet. I am just now getting to where I want to play online. This has left me behind on so much. My comments about fighting in DCS WW2 is all Offline. Online I only die.


As a fellow SP’er who occasionally goes online, the skill gap between single player and PvP multiplayer is so massive it honestly doesn’t allow room for learning at all.

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It really depends. The range is wider. Surprise attacks actually work. As Derby correctly stated, you are doing it right when they never saw you coming. Those are fairly easy kills once you mastered them.

Also human opponents make mistakes in a dogfight and might easily throw an advantage.

AI is much harder in some way.

Of course there are unicorns on servers who dominate but one tends to overestimate the average skill level in my experience…


It helps a ton when you have an experienced flight lead to help you survive those first “ten days”, like @miRage , @Derbysieger or @MBot


Flying the Anton in single player is unfortunately a very frustrating experience due to how the AI behaves. DCS AI apparently only knows the turn fight and if there’s one thing the Anton doesn’t want to do, it’s to engage in a turn fight. This makes your AI wingmen even more useless than in other aircraft because it means that the best you can hope for is that your wingman will keep one of the opponents busy for a few minutes before it will inevitably get shot down. I once had an AI Mustang avoid the overshoot after I initiated flat scissors by simply warping sideways to my dead six to finish me off. No thanks…

It also means that the AI simply can not deal with the Spitfire and at the same time it’s best at flying the Spitfire. It’s infuriating.

As for multiplayer, yes the learning curve is like the white cliffs of Dover, extremely steep. However if you find people who can show you the ropes and take you along beginners can have success early on. There are also vast differences between different servers. The 4YA WWII training server for example is a PvE server with a PvP area. It’s designed for beginners who want to practice and learn the map. The Project Overlord server where I fly most of the time sees a lot of very experienced pilots who know their aircraft very well and are extremely good at what they do, whether it’s A2G, A2A or both. A step down from PO is the Wolfpack server. Targets are closer to the Airfields and the overall skill level is quite a bit lower. A few months back we went on Wolfpack when the PO server was down and cleaned house as there are way more lone wolf’s operating and people rarely take the time to get to altitude so it’s easy to just loiter high up and pick people of at will. It’s a more relaxed crowd to be sure that doesn’t require as much cooperation for a successful return from a mission.

Edit: there are two large (mostly) US based groups flying on the PO Server. They are a great bunch of folks with a lot of experience.
First we have the 332FG and then the 362nd FG if you want to check them out.

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That and the bogus flight models. I’ve had my butt kicked by an AI P-47 with two 500lbs bombs and a fuel tank traveling at 230mph.

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There’s no question that the AI flight models are bogus but even a clean AI P-47 can reliably be defeated with the Anton, at least when fighting at lower altitudes. A P-47 that is loaded up like this is easy prey. The Anton is much much faster than a loaded up P-47D, use that advantage, don’t let yourself get dragged into an endless turnfight. You have every advantage except for the turn radius.

getting bounced by an Anton is terrifying, this youtuber recorded one of my bounces :rofl:

My perspective:


Killed a Jug today

And my wingman got one as well