DCS 2.X Video Thread


A very successful afternoon in the Anton again :smiley:

The Jug stood no chance:

Not sure what this Mustang was doing:

This Mustang tried to bounce me but failed:

Drag & Bag with my wingman against another Mustang:

Bounce against an AI Spitfire on landing approach:


I managed to reverse this fight against a Spitfire utilising the Antons superior roll rate and he probably G-loc’d or I killed the pilot but I’m leaning towards G-loc. Having team mates on SRS was invaluable.


I love the result, but I wish I was smart enough to understand what happened and how you shook that Spitfire off your back.

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Pretty simple: the Spitfire made some mistakes :sweat_smile:
I try to keep it as simple as possible.
Instead of using his superior energy state to maintain a dominant position (I was basically “parked” behind the A-20s) he tried to stay behind and then followed me into rolling scissors where I manged to make use of the Antons incredible rolling characteristics to turn the fight and get some hits on his Spit. He should have just done some high yoyos and I would have had to rely on my mates to shoot him off my back.


Ah! Okay that I can understand. Thanks!

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If you fly the Spit you can probably feel yourself why he made that mistake - it’s so so so tempting just to keep pulling in the Spit, you don’t feel like it’s possible to get into an overshoot because you’ve got such good elevator authority, but you never remember just how quickly the roll rate of the Anton gets better than yours at slow speeds!

But, really the answer is the good wingman and comms. Two vs one. 90% of my online deaths are dealt by planes I never saw until they started shooting at me…

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Yep, flying with a wingman has saved my butt countless times. If you look at the clips I post it’s rarely a 1v1 neutral merge, most of the time I get the jump on someone. The Spitfire is a fantastic dogfighter with great defensive options but unfortunately a bit slow so it can rarely disengage at will which most other fighters can to some degree, even the Anton. The spit in this clip should at least forced me to go home, instead I managed to kill a few more bombers because I got some hits on him and he went down (whether I killed the pilot or he blacked out I don’t know).


Another successful Anton sortie. 13 vehicles destroyed, three B-17s shot down, one AI P-47D, one Spitfire and a P-47D (both players)

Spitfire bounce:

Taking care of a Jug:

Time stamp for the beginning of the bomber intercept, starting with positioning above the escort fighters and shooting down the AI Jug

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