Very nice - thanks!

Show us the options for Capto Glove on the top left! :wink:

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So who’s gonna test that in VR?

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I’m in!



I thought of this:

Mav’s got the need for virtual speed!


Thank you FPAS Page.

After trying to hunt down a nasty bogey (thanks Mavs, you are still doing crazy things to the radar) I burnt waaaay too much fuel.

Now with help from FPAS, it went from saying “swim home” to “you might make it, if those other bogeys don’t get you first”

So I popped the speed as it said and sat above the required flight level, waiting for the it to match and then climb with it.


Yeah…you know Bingo fuel isn’t really a suggestion…just say’n. :slightly_smiling_face:


Says who?

If it bugs me at the wrong time, I just lower it! No bingo, no problem!


Heck yeah!

I always set it too high, anyway. :grimacing:

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Bingo procedure:

  • Set bingo for half the total fuel supply.
  • If bingo goes off, reduce to half current fuel supply
  • If bingo goes off again, tell everyone “bingo” and go find a tanker
  • If bingo goes off while finding tanker, keep looking for tanker. Also, reset bingo
  • Once you finally link up with the tanker, use a few choice words as the tanker reels the hose back in because tanker is also out of gas
  • Frantically return to carrier and butt-in to the pattern, declare emergency
  • Get three bolters while holding up the pattern
  • Finally catch the #4 wire with 50lbs of gas left
  • “Bingo is useless, FPAS is useless, ‘home’ advisory always goes off, ED fix plz”

I actually find it very useful. Are you hooking it up to a tacan for info?

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TACAN? You mean the part where you play battleship with the UFD and try to figure out if the carrier is 74X, 52Y, 21X, or 99Y and end up sinking the S-3 tanker?


Ok. Thats pretty funny. :slight_smile:


Went flying last night with @Dark_Star & @Wes in the new NAVEX Persian Gulf mission. Great times flying the coast of the Arabian Peninsula (?) and harassing the Red air bases across the gulf.

A couple of geography questions.
Is this the “Arabian Peninsula” (the “AP”)? It is mostly the UAE with Abu Dhabi and Dubai on the “West Gulf Coast” - or, how should it be referred to? The city and airport of Fujairah is on the “East Gulf Coast”? Is that how you would say it? And Kasab Airport is up at the tip of the “AP”?

We flew up the west coast by the Palm islands and Dubai -

Also messed with Red over Tunb and Havadarya airfields. They don’t take well to infidels trespassing their airspace.

We flew down the east coast side and found the carrier. This was my third attempt to trap. I was elated to catch the wire instead of putting a hole in the deck! It really was fun to land it on the carrier!


DCS: F/A-18C Hornet: IFR Landing Training Mission Recording

This is a recording of 1 of 12 new interactive training missions coming to the Hornet in November 2018.


Your post brings up a good issue. I doubt this is even on ED’s To Do list, but it should be.

Realistically, in your Bingo Procedure, they would have rigged the barricade when your fuel state got to the point that you only had one pass left.

It would be very nice is there was a comms procedure that let you call for the barricade. Not just low fuel, but seeing as these jets are going into combat and may arrive back at the boat with battle damage–and given the complexity of the Bug and (hopefully) the Tomcat–there are likely many situations that would call for a barricade recovery, especially landing gear damage.

A problem would be MP when one of your wingman recovers and then parks over the barricade stanchion…which would be bad…but other than that I’m not seeing any issues. :sunglasses:

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Bruh. In DCS multiplayer, if someone is fouling up the deck, you just fly right into his a- tailpipe and type “git gud scrub” in the text box!

Seriously though, I sure hope that kind of thing is on the list. I only hope that they would allow for truncating the clearing procedure because it’d be really bad to take longer than 5 minutes to clear the barricaded/damaged aircraft from the deck.

Wouldn’t there be a tanker overhead during a recovery cycle?

See bullet #5: “Once you finally link up with the tanker, use a few choice words as the tanker reels the hose back in because tanker is also out of gas”

YES! literal gamechanger

DCS: F/A-1C Hornet Taxi and Takeoff Training Lesson Recording

This is a recording of 1 of 12 new interactive training missions coming to the Hornet in November 2018.