I’ve been a beta monkey for ages. For me personally there isn’t any reason not to be on it. All the top multilayer servers like blue flag run on beta.

As mentioned before, @skatezillas tool is a very simple one or two click process to switch between the two versions whenever you want.

@Hangar200 try switching to open beta and see what you think. You can always switch back. And if you do, the beta and open branches become the same approx every 3 weeks


That was fun @NineLine. Thanks for posting it here.


If you have the space you should run both stable and beta versions. That’s what I do. If I encounter an issue in the beta then I run the stable release to see if it’s there also.

I install mods and like to mess with config files and such on my beta install. I keep my stable version install clean.

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I swapped to the stable for the flyin and reverted back to beta when people decided we where running the OB version. It took no time at all using skatezillas app :blush:

Run, break, fix :sunglasses:


And not necessarily in that order! :grimacing:


I am working backwards :smile:. Another great one. Loved the Nellis background chatter. This will be a great mission to refly once the datalink is working.


I’ll jump in here and give my perspective as to why I only fly “stable.”

Yes, what these two guys said. Bravo.

I am constantly in the mission editor testing, working on missions. Most of these missions are “Workshop Scenarios.” A term I’m borrowing from EinsteinEP. Scenarios where I’m trying to learn a specific thing about the module I’m studying. I used to have both versions on my system a while back and it really irritated me when something got broken and I couldn’t use that particular feature until it got fixed which wasn’t always quickly. All that time I just spent trying to put something together going right down the drain.

To me it is worth it to just wait a little bit and let those bugs and broken features be found, fixed and then ported over so I know as a mission editor junkie it will work as intended and I don’t waste time trying to find a work-around. My hats off to you all in beta because you save me the hassle and irritation of finding out about those broken bugs and features in the stable release working on my mission. Most of the time, I don’t have to deal with it because of you.

The bad side; I don’t get to fly online with you all as much as I would like because of the two different versions at certain times. But I have made my mind up that every time the two versions are similar, I will jump in and join you all when I can.


Hey everyone,

As always, we are reading everything being said and we understand that some of you are having difficulty with weapons delivery accuracy and the pull-up cue/break X. Based on the next planned Open Beta update, I made this video to help show correct fuze settings and delivery that provides accuracy and staying above the pull-up cue.



So…it doesn’t mean “X marks the spot”? :wink: Seriously, I thought CBUs gave you a DUD indication when you were too low for the drop…i.e. to close to the altitude AGL were the bomb would scatter the bomblets.

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Nice video for a demonstration on the range, but in a tactical environment you certainly don’t want to fly over the target at <2000ft, which puts you right into the range of every gun down there that is larger than a pistol.

Even in an A-10C I usually start pulling up and away from the target at around 5000 feet (I set the altitude warning to 6000ft), which is a tactic I was told by a real life combat pilot and it works fine in DCS against guns.
And yes, the accuracy drops a bit. But better spend a few more bombs, rockets, and gun ammo instead of spending a plane. :smiley:

Anyway, I recommend to fly like that at all times, even on the range, so you get the right angles, speeds, and altitudes into your head.


I was just having trouble with it this weekend, so good timing here!

At 1:00…Mk-20s “with the height (HOB) as always 1500 feet”…why “as always”?

Because you do not set the HOB of the bombs, you tell the fire control system the HOB of the bombs. The rockeyes are always set to 1500 feet in this game.

Maybe I’m imagining things, but I throught in the A-10C you could actually change the height to different values and the spread pattern would be different depending on the value used.

Copy…he is setting up the control system for the Mk-20s…just wondering why always 1500’, i.e. why are “The rockeyes are always set to 1500 feet in this game.”?

What he said. The lower, the smaller the dispersion/spread pattern, the more likely for hits/multiple hits on targets.

Afaik the rockeye burst height is set by the ground crew, not electronically by the aircraft. But I may be wrong. Perhaps someone like @klarsnow could shed some light on this… :smiley:

Yep, exactly right. It looks like they modeled the FMU-140 proximity fuse based on the height options that are available. There is a simple Height of Function (HOF) dial that is set by the loaders/AOs to match the requested setting.


The aircrew verifies it as part of their walkaround. It should be pre-set in the cockpit as part of the data cartridge load but I am sure it is verified again when the profile is pulled up.

I think he just means that 1,500 is the default.


You can change these values in the A-10C on the inventory page for CBU87/97/103/105.

While IRL you wouldn’t, it’s modelled in DCS since we don’t get to tell the ground crew what to configure. Bonus is you can adjust them in air as a result.


As far as the rockeye (MK20) and CBU99, I recall they said it’s fixed @ 1500ft for now as the fuzes are not yet fully implemented.

And I presume our ability to change it will similarly follow what the A-10C allows due to ground crew limitations.