They’re going to say “We’re Eagle Dynamics, SA!” and the crowd is going to say, “Word, homies!” (please note if you’re not familiar with Cali culture this may go over your head)
In a similar vein: “My teacher told me to turn in my essay…but I ain’t no snitch!”
Might be nice if the Hornet were flashy and awesome enough to rekindle some mainstream interest in the genre. Imagine what a flight sim could do with 1/10th of a big league AAA team’s budget.
I’m not sure the point of the E3 Thrustmaster booth “reveal”. We all already know DCS F-18 is in production, its been in production for a long time. Unless they announce an early access release at E3, it would be considered anti-climatic for me. I’m assuming thrustmaster will want show off an F-18 HOTAS as well? Believe me I’m excited for the F-18 like everyone else, but I’m not feeling the E3 hype. I noticed they are joining Flight Sim World and ELITE:Dangerous in the booth as well.
I guess when I first heard DCS:F-18 to be revealed at E3 I imagined Wags being on the main stage doing some massive reveal, finally mainstreaming flight simming in the 21st century. Instead we are getting a monitor setup at the joystick booth.
First of all, We aren’t getting anything. The people who go to E3 are getting to see a display of the F-18. Among the people who go to E3 are a large number of games journalists. They can demo the F-18 at the booth, and get this, write about it for their publication! Thats’s how E3 works.
Second of all, I am not sure what you are not feeling. Should ED just stay in Russia and not try to sell their product, content in the knowledge that you at least will buy it? I am not sure what your expectations are - A much bigger booth with showgirls, or no appearance at all to keep it niche?
I think that you are confusing ED and Thrustmaster with Activision. There are a lot of really interesting presentations in the side galleries and auditoriums, and a lot of business going on behind closed doors, especially in a niche market like flight simulation. I haven’t been to E3 since the WARTHOG/DCS A-10C rollout, but I bet that this year would be a lot of fun for any MUDSPIKEr.
Throttle back, boss. First off, its a Swiss company now. My point was that the overwhelming majority of individuals who actually give a (don’t miss this) flying ■■■■ about DCS F-18, will not be at E3, or even be able to get in. I was imagining a mainstage reveal, live stream, etc where DCS would be introduced to the mainstream. Key word there imagining. With that not happening, outside of an early access announcement, I’m not fired up over it. As you said journalists can write about playing it, seeing it, etc, but again, which audience would read/see said FLIGHT SIM JOURNALISTS articles? The same people who are on mudspike and already know about DCS.
This was merely a post of my own thoughts on DCS F18 being at E3. Similiar to the plot of most Steven Segal movies, don’t read too much into it.