DCS: Mi-24 Hind

Now everyone has to watch their hind-parts…



I liked the Tomcat visual menu thing that Heatblur did for Jester, especially in VR, plus was hierarchical to allow for some pretty complicated choices just using a single button. For the Hind I was sort of expecting that, but then putting hat directions to memory is sort of a DCS mini-game anyway. :slight_smile:


I was going to pickup a few MSFS addons I had my eye on, that plan is now cancelled. Time to see just exactly how bad at flying the Hind I am.

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Y’all are getting it off the ground?

I set my curves for the controls same as the Mi-8, but I have to say, thank you Wage, Nineline, et al for making the helicopter indestructible for the startup/ taxi/ takeoff mission.


My first DCS flight in quite some time…

So ugly yet she is quite beautiful…

RAF Akrotiri… the base is quite recognizable although some things have changed since I was based there in the mid 90’s.

The Akrotiri peninsular.

Probably not a view I would have appreciated when I worked in the tower!

Easy does it!

Safely shut down (I just cut off the fuel… checklists will be studied later)…

The detail in the 3D model is exquisite.

I guess MSFS will have to take a back seat, at least until Friday when the DC6 is released…


It’s a dance the moment you start adding collective! I kind of like it!




Question: where do we set the controls for Petrovich?

I think I saw them as a separate category in the drop down menu that lists all the modules… I haven’t got that far yet.

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My take FWIW:

  • It’s the most predictable helicopter in DCS so far.
  • Maybe even more than the heavier Mi8, you can really feel the inertia.
  • Sideways flight is exhilarating.
  • Funnels, especially to the right, thrilling as well. (and easier than the Ka50).
  • Be ready for a thrill-ride if you do a hammerhead with a fistful of collective. Antitorque hits the stop quick.
  • It feels authentic.
  • And if it is authentic, you can see why variations of this machine are still selling after 50 years of production.

Happy Aww GIF by MCDM


I just did my first VR flight in it… amazing. As Eric says above, this thing has some weight to it. I love the Pilot’s cockpit too…so many switches and steam gauges. I haven’t ventured forward into the “operator’s” cockpit yet. I’ll save that for tomorrow.


I went very fast pointing the nose down and I suddenly rolled to the right and lost all lift .

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Really take a look at Wag’s hover lesson, it gives you a strong sense of what is required to make it a happy helo, not everything, but its a good start.


probably yes.

Yes I saved it the 2nd time it happened, its very quick once it goes but obviously it would flying at 300+ Km/h :slight_smile:


Anything I find that may be of help I will post.
Firstly the collective brake is a great altitude hold. Make sure its mapped.
The Petrovitch system, you need to assign a hide AI panel in the AI helper controls section which is separate from the Mi-24P Sim category. You then need to assign a show/hide AI panel in the Mi-24P sim control bindings too. Why who knows but they both need assigned AFAIK
The free fire mode gives Petrovitch license to shoot from afar without a chance of a hit, go free fire when you get nearer or pick your targets from a list.


The inclusion of a trim hat on this thing is such a blessing to me. Maybe it’s my poor piloting, but I always had a hard time getting the trim perfectly right on other rotor birds. In the Hind, it’s just a matter of getting close with the trim button and fine-tune with some taps on the hat. Perfect. I can keep her in a hover and a cruise using basically just the hat and the AP channels.

I agree with most sentiments I heard on petrivich so far. I like that you can work him fast with those A-10C style short/long HOTAS presses. It’s gonna take some training to knew all the stuff he does in what modes and whatnot though. At times, I would have liked a Jester-style command rose just to know what he’s gonna do. I also agree that his flying is not yet the best. I asked him to come around on a target that I found and he jerked it so hard I could basically restart the target acquisition. When ordered to do that break-turn, he 180’d it, got in a VRS and crashed us. Might be that I loaded it too heavy. When you’re near max weight (almost full fuel and lots of rockets and missiles) it likes to get into VRS when descending over 2-3 meters per second already.


Well, like the A-10C anyway which I expect most people who are DCS veterans have. Hard to not go that route because it just works so well!

If it makes you feel better my first attempt off of some grass resulted in the sticky tires rolling the fuselage sideways just enough for a rotor strike. I could not get it all dialed in nicely, so for round two when I saw she wanted to lean I countered and then just added a jab of collective to take off and sorted the rest out without risk of wheel induced tip over. Probably didn’t help that I tried with a hefty payload for my first try! :grimacing:

It’s hefty and you have to manage it well but I agree entirely! It listens to the pilot and gives a steady response - even to a slightly ham-fisted junior virtual rotor pilot.

That gun rate toggle switch is something else too!
From bofors 40mm rate to vulcan rate (based on the sound, not actual ROF) at the flick of a switch! I kinda wish there was a “medium” option.