DCS: Normandy WW2

Just look at those reflections…! :sunglasses:

One thing though.
Aren’t the Marston mats a bit big…?
A plank is 10ft long. Given the 37ft span of the Sabre, there should be almost 4 Marston planks along the span.
Looks more like 2 planks to me.

Yes, a nitpick! But most likely just a texture fix, right?


I’ll take all the stable ground I can get…I suck at turns and taxi. :grin:


Is it Friday yet…? :astonished:


JFC! My brain starts to having problem finding ways to top THAT…
And yet still, I’m sure in ten, uhhr… twenty? years we’ll all be like “Heh, what a crappy graphics!”

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That has to be the finest rendition of open water that I’ve ever seen in a flight sim. Bravo ED.


Going away for 3 nights starting tomorrow… :confounded:

The trees will have to wait…

Unless i ninja roll out of the car at 6am, surely the family won’t miss me?


I agree, the water is amazing!

The conditions that promote visible vortices needs to be greatly narrowed. 90 percent of the occasions where I see them in game seem completely bogus to me. It’s like watching Wall-E.

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Actually, an option to turn them completely off would be preferable to the current setup. It seems to only have been a noticable issue since we got our hands on the Viggen though.

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It’s Friday!
It’s Friday!
It’s Friday!
It’s DCS Normandy day!!!


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Are you sure? I though the release date was 30th of may?


Its today

[quote]DCS: Normandy 1944 Map and DCS: World War II Assets Pack – Available on 26 May 2017
We are happy to announce that the DCS: Normandy 1944 Map and DCS: World War II Assets Pack will be available as Early Access downloads on 26 May 2017. On Friday 26 May 2017, the pre-purchase bundle of 20% off the map and assets pack will end. Act now before it’s too late![/quote]

He knows! He’s just teasing me…
He succeeded. :no_mouth:

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It will be the 30th by the time we have it secure on our PC’s @125 kb/s goddamme broadbandits :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


Yep. I’ll just be happy with “whenever I can download it”…

I can burn it on a disk and mail it to you if its quicker :slight_smile:

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I once sent a DVD copy of the old Nevada map to Smokey the Lung (who makes amazing guitars) in New York and he got it about 3 years before NTTR was released. But it was a genuine offer though probably not practical :grin:
This is Smokeys website and any guitar lovers should take a peek :slight_smile:https://www.juliangaffneyguitars.com/

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AMAZING GUITARS! :open_mouth:

As for the offer, thank you, but shipping to Italy would be expensive. I’ll just put it to download “eventually”.

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At what time will it be released? GTM…

nobody knows. The usual updates drop at around 1700 Zulu. But during release it can be just about any time.

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