Deadstick Bush Flightsimulator...

They’re still alive…


That is an impressive update. You would expect so much work to be put into something if you don’t plan on having a product come out the other end. So I’m hopeful!


I watch the discord for DS and its hilarious watching everyone try and stay hopeful and then all turn on each other and start flaming the hell out of themselves for believing in this. Its really entertaining

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Of course, the whole thing might just be irrelevant by the time it comes out, if MSFS ends up able to do all the same things, and worldwide to boot…

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While I tend to agree with you. They do seem to have some great ideas. Fixing and modification of planes. Loading your own cargo etc. It looks fun. But its looked fun for years now. Hope they manage to release it. They at least deserve to survive for the effort they put into it.


I doubt you will ever see some of the features they advertised for Deadstick in MSFS.


I was on the discord for a long time and to be honest it was quite amusing at first watching all the fan boys getting over hyped every time the dev team released a pinch of news and then slowly deflate over weeks and months when nothing else happened.

This cycle repeated so often that I started feeling sorry for them. I don’t like to use the words liar but the dev team made a lot of promises to their pretty (from what I could see) well meaning community and hardly ever kept them. They made statements like, “from now on you will always recieve at the very least, fortnightly updates if not more” it lasted 2 weeks I think.
Then they kept dangling alpha (possibly beta) I think applications and that never happened either.
I think they bit a lot more off than theybl could chew. The scope was already massive combined with MSFS and the Covid. I think its wiped them out.

I’d love to be wrong of course and I wish them all the very best but I am not holding out much hope. I think the best we can hope for is a bush flying mod for MSFS. Its a real shame as this one looked really good fun.


Yes i have exactly the same thinkings. Also to add the fact that scenery was a fantasy one, for the people that want a simulation its a kind of cold down thinking that scenery not have any real representation of a real place, only plausible.

I don’t mind if it not have the full world, but the location should be real.

Now with MSFS this title can only exist and survive if it can provide something amazing that MSFS not have, like a complex bush flight dynamic career, management, maintenances, etc, because as only a pure sandbox flightsim for only clueless bush flights it have no chances with current titles like AFS2, MSFS, P3D and XP11.

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The dev. team communication skills leave a lot to be desired, that’s for sure.
I love the idea of a bushflyer sim, but I wonder if they would be better off focusing on a detailed MSFS add-on instead…?

Edit, @B12, I just consolidated the threads to keep the little info we have on the subject, in one thread.


I think this is a case where they were trying to fill a void that stopped existing mid development. But still binning an entire sim and going the way of an add-on is a big undertaking.


No doubt, but I think it would generate more sales if they could do it as an add-on for the MSFS crowd.

Oh damn, I though it was already released when I saw 7 new replies in this thread :roll_eyes:

I keep my fingers crossed for them. Either as a stand alone sim (hope for VR) or MS2K addon (I like that abbreviation, @B12 :+1:)


Well, you know me… Unless they say it’s over, I keep believing. :wink:
Their communications have been very sporadic since the beginning. A four month silence is not unheard of. But like you, I suspect the release and success of MSFS must at least have them considering their options.


TBH, due to the events of 2020, all bets are off for development and the like. All release dates are extremely unreliable as a result of it. Even if all development has been done at home, it still impacts and heavily interferes. A number of DCS devs have said as much and the guy developing retro-shooter Hrot has said the same, too.

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The problem is that MSFS shines when it comes to bush flying, looks stunning, works great in VR and has an ever increasing number of airplanes available. Add in something like Air Hauler 2 or Sky Park and you have a career structure available if you want it…and an entire planet to fly in. Just the other day I flew the Power STOL into a specific field by a river where I used to go fishing in my early teens. Talk about a trip down memory lane.


When I first saw Deadstick a ways back similar thoughts came to me, though at the time it was versus X-Plane iirc. I wish them all success if for no other reason than a chance, though very slim, at some competition.


I genuinely hope that this does release eventually. It always was looking like fun. Separate parts to break and upgrade. Loading and unloading mechanics. Its a shame. But still hope

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I think there’s a place for a hand-crafted bush flight sim. The real world has lots of options, but something story or strongly mission based, with the weather and the terrain part of the game (rather than the real world) could be great. Good luck to them, shipping something is hard.


Yeah. And it is sometimes nice to have a game component to a…well…game. I want to earn money so I can buy my bush pilot that crazy jester hat…


And I would actually prefer that to an MSFS add-on. But I’m not sure the majority of MSFS users feel the same. Will Deadstick compete with the graphics and world scale of MSFS, or will that become an issue that will keep people from buying it?
I hope Deadstick is released one day.