DiRT Rally 2.0

I particularly enjoyed the part in their original announcement that “we heard you”, but I guess they could only hear oculus users apparently

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So, seems leagues will be coming later. That’s fine I suppose since it gives people time to learn the tracks a bit better and/or get the game. Heard a particularly good suggestion, have the track degrade by day so those who want to wait till the last hour so they can see everyone else’s times first have to drive in the worst conditions :joy:

agree, but would need someone else to grab a lead on WRX stuff, I can’t commit to doing any game related activity at a specific time or date, it’s always a “when I have time” affair

Greenmangaming has 20% off deluxe edition. 25% off for VIP members.

I’m tempted, but I have so many games to play as it is.

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Well, to be fair, the regular game is $60us. Then $20 for deluxe part, which is actually the season pass which includes tracks and cars.

Bf 5 offered BS cosmetics.


Check out SimRacingGirl tearing up DR2 with the Fanatec DD2. That Vesaro rig with the actuators looks ultra immersive.


She can really drive as well! I’m very impressed. So fast!


Excellent drive indeed, One thing I noticed, if you pause the video at 4:09 you can take a good look at what happens to the track with the buildup of loose dirt on the outside of the corner and giant ruts. That motion thing is cool, but the one I saw was just the motor and that was $2k, bit much for the amount of time I have to drive, definitely cool though.


Did anyone pick this up? How’s the force feedback? I heard it was jacked. Not much difference between dirt and tarmac. Things like that

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So here’s something weird about the ffb, the PC version it’s initially pretty lite. But the same wheel on the ps4 was heavy as hell. Like physically tired after an hour heavy. As for dirt and tarmac feeling the same? It’s sorta hard to say because of track conditions. Guess the only way to really tell is to run both with that off on perfect conditions. The only thing I noticed is it’s a lot easier to degrade the tires on tarmac and well bald tires an tarmac ain’t exactly grippy.

Tarmac is much better in the first I personally have a hard time saying they are definitively the same just because there are so many more variables involved this time around. My only complaint that spans both editions and all conditions is that it is a lot hard to tell where the weight is or which wheel(s) are loaded.

Game is on sale for 25% off till the 12th if you were waiting

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I’ve finally had time to sink my teeth into DR2 and I’m really liking what I’ve found. So far, I’ve driven a couple of WRX races, 5 WRC stages in R5 class cars on gravel and snow, and a couple of stages in Group B cars on smooth gravel. No tarmac yet. Even with my crappy consumer entry level G27 wheel, the FFB is superb. And the default setups are pretty good IMO, at least in the cars that I have driven, and I’ve only needed minor tweaks to the default G27 profile to get it in the ballpark. I’m running mid pack with whatever the default AI settings are, without aids except for auto clutch, and this is after not having driven rally cars in a while. Not that I’m driving well but the physics are such that it is not too hard to get into a rhythm in the stages that I’ve driven. Code Masters has done a great job so far with DR2.

My Logitech Profile settings, if anyone cares. I run them pretty light and adjust FFB in the games.


Is it VR yet?


Aww, that’s sad.
I imagine it will be mind blowing.

I’ll try my VR with Dirt 1.0 then I guess (as soon as I have it)

VR would be great, but I don’t mind waiting while I enjoy improved tracks, cars, sim, interface, and FFB over the original. Dirt Rally is finally coming off my PC. Keeping it on the PS4 though.

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Bit of a thread bump here. Anyone had any experiences with Dirt Rally 2.0 in VR in WMR yet? Curious how it is…

It’s not listed as one of the supported headsets, just the Rift and Vive if that makes any difference.

I’m not sure if Rift and Vive users have a different experience. I would say that if a Vive can run it, then the WMR experience would be similar using WMR for SteamVR. Regardless, I don’t think that it’s quite ready for prime time, at least as viewed through my Reverb. IME the GUI doesn’t work well. I couldn’t see the mouse in VR, although if I take my headset off, I can see it on the screen. It moves around, but doesn’t allow you to select items. In the game, you can navigate via keyboard, but this means that you are constantly either typing by feel or taking peeks by lifting your headset.

That would be OK it worked well in the car. But the perspective is pretty strange, like everything is miniature and you are too far away from the dashboard/windscreen. You can drive but having a sense of where the car is on the course is really difficult. Then the car sounds suddenly stop. You can hear environmentals, like gravel, but nothing from the car. The car still functions, just without sound.

Hopefully CM is polishing their effort, but I’m afraid at this point my impression is that it was rushed to release in order to list VR as a feature.


Don’t think we really have enough people to make it worthwhile but they did add clubs in at some point. so yay!