I’ve been playing Falcon Gold recently and felt nostalgic after hearing that awesome soundtrack again. And since this is “nostalgia” thread you should feel it too
One of the coolest flight sim soundtracks in my opinion.
I was playing that this morning!
I wish they’d have blended the scan lines like a real CRT does. Then again I’m guessing we’re hitting the point where digital artists have never actually used a CRT, so all they know is the conversion to LCD/LED/etc. Still a fun bit of nostalgia.
There are filters for DosBox to achieve that.
I haven’t tried any of them yet, though, I just heard that they exist.
Yeah, I’ve played with CRT shaders on several occasions, you will need high resolution display (preferably 4K) to showcase the details of the CRT shadow mask though. I recorded few games in 1080p, looks pretty decent though YT compression can destroy the effect a bit.
I honestly might go back and run Top Gun Fire at Will PC Version… just because.
I did try TG: Hornet’s nest on PC a while back (found CD Version at thrift store).
Didn’t like it.
or they just forgot how it looked, as I did
Hell yeah, Top Gun Fire at Will was surpisingly fun and challenging at times. I did a complete playthrogh of it some time ago. Here’s the playlitst:
I played PC Version first even had the Top Gun Fire At Will platinum Stick…
Then I bought the PlayStation Version and had a stroke…
Yeah, the PS version was completely different game. It used the same cutscenes though (not sure if all of them but at least some). PC version was pretty “realistic” for the time. It was made by Spectrum Holobyte, the makers of Falcon series.
Gunship 2000 was my absolute favorite helo sim before the Janes Longbow era. I remember getting the Islands & Ice campaign because I enjoyed the sim so much.
Fired up Falcon 4 Allied Force yesterday after several years of not flying, still fun and still hard.
Remember F/A-18 Precision Strike Fighter - a 2001 re-release of F/A-18 Korea from 1997? Since it uses OpenGL (Korea used Glide for 3dfx), you can still run it without much problems on modern Windows. I still find its graphics style appealing.
I’ve got to play Thunder Helix - upcoming 90s inspired flight sim that will be coming to Steam in about 1 month. It’s a mix between Desert Strike and LHX Attack Chopper to put it in most simple term. Check out the gameplay video - more info in the video description.
It was a great sim for it’s time!
I must find my old CD…