Same here, I loved EVE. But this couldn’t get over that part.
0945 Wednesday Feb 12th, Still in lock down. Pretty sure we aren’t coming out of lockdown with out FDEV interference.
Below is a snippet of the bounties claimed vs issued for the last 24 hours.
Hard to beat them numbers.
How many bounties were issued!?!?

It appears the CG has been extended until Tuesday.
Time for me to pull a u-turn.
Yeah but at the insane amount of bounties being issued will it matter?
Yup. Time to go back out, no way my tier is holding with it being open for another six days.
Maybe. I’m gonna head back towards where I was running around as it’s all unexplored so I can at least get a decent payday that way.
Hey quick question for all those who are much better at Exobio than I am. What does the bio total number really mean, aside from how difficult it seems to be to find the biological samples? And also, are there any tips from the DSS or surface map page to help figure out where to find the things? I spent a good four hours hopping from site to site on a planet with Bio Total of 1 trying to find anything, with no luck.
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I need a little context here…
Bio total number?
Do you have a screen grab?
So yeah I had the same problem- form space I can see the DSS overlay that shows an entire valley full of bacteria or vents or volcanic activity- you name it…
Yet when you approach the planet and reach under 1Km of altitude the overlay disappears and there’s apparently no trace…
Well there are different techniques. I did find a web page that explains possible methods of madness to find stuff but the bottom line is- travel far and wide and you’ll find it 
From one point of view some stuff like geological activity can be found with the SRVs scanner.
On the other hand the biologicals are much tougher to find.
I’ll paste here the page I found but essentially if you know what to look for, you fly at about 100 meters of altitude over the surface and try to scan for signs of life.
In some cases Night vision does highlight the edges of bacterial cultures, but some aren’t detectable that way and just need good ole Eyeball Mk. I
I can’t remember, is there a private group we can all run around in?
Side note, it’s really too bad FD doesn’t issue minor CGs as a way to incentivize bounty hunting to clear out the hooligans keeping the system in lockdown.
Yeah that would be a good counter-emergent gameplay!
There was a “The Professionals” group but it seems it does not exist anymore
OK I just figured it out. Apparently there are potentially several different life forms on a single planet, and you can filter that at the DSS screen.
Well, crap. Things I just learned that I wish I’d known that a week ago. Thank goodness I have another few days.
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Yeah for Exobiology, remember first foot fall gives you 4x on the reward for scanning.
Also if it has 1 biology hit chances are its bacteria which is like 5mil with first foot fall and a pain to find.
I wont go to a planet for anything less than 3 biological signals. 3 if its first footfall, and 5 if it isnt.
Theres money to be had but it takes a bit.
Yeah, I haven’t bothered touching down on any planets that already had a first footfall.
Still in lockdown and now we have added Failing infrastructure to the list…
Thinking its a lost cause…
@Navynuke99 For Exo bio, I normally scan for the following stars once I get in an area, A,F,G,K
Also High Metal Content worlds seem best for exo bio. I have also noticed that if you find a system with biology neighboring systems typically have it as well.
I hope the CG gets extended again. I’m a free hundred LY from the bubble, and just found a system with two planets with life, for 9 unique, undiscovered types. But with kids and teacher work day and work, there’s no way I’m finishing scanning all it by tomorrow.
Looks like the lockdown is over, im going to fly over after work and drop some data off and be done with this event…
Turned in some data. Should be top 25%. Should…
Yeah I feel you have nothing to worry about.
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Ironically I bought it on sale, played the tutorial in VR w/ my Warthog, then simply forgot I had it…
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Yeah, I made the dozen or so jumps back, dropped off enough data for top 10% (at least 15 hours ago), and u-turned back to where I’ll be doing exobiology.
Also holy crap, y’all weren’t kidding about those first discovery bonuses.