Elite Dangerous 2024


This is my DRADIS

and this is my source…

I had to work with shades and ideas becasue I obviously can’t change the icons…
But bad guys are good guys are obviously red and green

But yeah- the latest iteration of the software allows such granular control over the UI that’s almost scary.

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Hungry Give Me GIF by Naomi Maria

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You sure? :smiley:

OK incoming!

EDIT: wait- the icon on the app do not open the files location… I need a minute more

EDIT 2: Ok found, just need a second to pack it

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@Freak - here!

DRADIS Mining Interface.zip (16.8 KB)

And it goes like this


Thank you!


It’s a pleasure! And the least I could do. :smiley:

Submitted another round of reports, Got one more trip planned before this ends

Also got a message I have been waiting for…

Finally Elite!!!


Massive congratulations!

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Noice Thats Nice GIF


I have returned! Sold my data for a couple hundred million credits and turned in enough to get me into the top 25%, though not comfortably so.

If I get some extra free time before the CG is over, I may set out to get some more data as I suspect I’ll likely slide to top 50% otherwise.


Just an FYI. Trailblazer Echo is in lockdown status as of 1113 Zulu.

This means you cant access Universal Cartograph to hand in reports.

Im currently dock on the trailblazer,


Lockdown still as of 1600z. Apparently it’s griefers coming in and attacking system authority vessels to force the lockdown and stall the CG.

Fix would be to bounty hunt in the system, unfortunately this computer is not really cut out for combat or I would get my Vulture in here to assist.


I mean- it is emergent gameplay- I just think especially when it comes to CG there should be some defensive mechanism/gameplay…

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1800 Zulu still in lockdown…

Im kinda torn on this one, One the one hand we rarely ever get a CG event based around exploration. Hell we just spent a couple years at war. Would be nice to just have an event that didnt evolve around combat.

Now on the other hand, I get it, and I am enjoying reading everyone cry about it.

Anyway, Ill hold on for a bit, Really wish exploration data was storable, Kind of messed up making a bunch of explorers risk all that data.

Oh well off to the PS5 and some Civ 7


This is the biggest problem I have with the situation.

Everyone coming in from outside the bubble has exploration data worth millions, potentially billions, of credits. If you swap over to your combat ship and subquently get killed, all that data is gone.

Thus, to me, there just isn’t enough motivation to come to the system’s defense if you’ve got that much data. It’s a far safer option to wait it out and hope that the situation gets resolved on its own. Then, if it doesn’t, you can still go cash in your data some place else and still get the exploration payout.


Except that it’s the same griefers doing this who then complain that nobody wants to play in open.


That’s the other side of the coin.

Mostly those guys are really really dumb.


I get it. And this is the reason i dont play in open.

Wondering why they cant just jump the ship to another system?

Also would have been better to go into lock down with like an hour left and then start a Bounty hunting CG right after this one.

Another thing to look at is this system had a player controlled faction in charge of it until the Trailblazer showed up. Maybe they finally got enough kills to take it back.

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And why I don’t/didn’t play in open either.

Same with EVE, although it is expected, eventually drove me away from playing that.

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