PS: Back of the envelope math- I will now have half a billion credits! This pleases me!
Not sure if waiting for the Mandalay to be available for in-game cash -or- go for one of the Big Fishes - the Anaconda, the Federal Corvette, the Python Mk. II…
'Cause I’m not a filthy imperial.
Federation is freedom.
(All in good humor of course)
EDIT: I played Elite since the very first game on the Commodore 64 and I always devoured the lore with absolute abandon- to that extend I do love to immerse myself in the game’s universe (no pun intended) and as such I always found the quasi-medieval caste system of the Imperials outdated and predatory.
Of course it’s just a game but I love to take sides.
Mostly my Commander is independent with a liking for the Federation even if that too is a bulky and bureaucratic centered, terminally inertial, and inefficient remnant of what was once the concept of Democracy on Earth.
We should have a new form of Government and that’s why I am split about 50%-50% Alliance/Federation.
And above all - the book that came with the game made me loathe the Imperials.
EDIT 2: Beside that - strictly in game terms - I wish I had access to all ships but since I started climbing ranks in the Federation it feels disingenuous now to try and also climb the Imperial ranks to get the cutter. Personally I think the two rank trees should be mutually exclusive- but since the game doesn’t provide that, I self limit myself.
THAT SAID the Imperial Cuttter looks mighty fine, damn- gracefully Star Trek-like. Whereas the Federation Corvette it’s like a blunt war instrument like some high tech laser-armed oversized chisel.
The Anaconda looks utilitarian and dependable.
The Type 10 instead is more like what a very driven OCD driven designer could create by simply maximizing all the fundamental needs of a big trader without bothering with concepts like “manoeuvrability” or “speed” or “eyesight”.
Which actually brings me to the point I forgot to make earlier- I’d love to fly in a Wing with mutual support…
A Carrier Corvette with two fighters, armed to the teeth accompanying a Cutter loaded up…
Or two other ships prepped up for mining operations- working in a wing would allow one ship to just load up on mining tools, while the other can just have collection limpets and a large hull. When the ores are sold profit is equally split.
This is a small pet peeve of mine… the latest ships upset the balance with truly overwhelming characteristics.
They seem a little OP, as the youths likes to say.
Still will not stop me from getting one…
As of now I’m thinking about re–starting some studying to plan the outfitting of my ships. I have about 20 in my shipyard that needs to be updated/engineered.
Ok I found out about the pre-engineered scanner reward- it wasn’t available immediately after the completion, but now I traveled back to Shinrarta Dezra I found it available in Storage in HIP 90578. Had it shipped over (37 credits) and I plan on re-fitting my Krait Mk.II with better exploration rigging*.
It has been a while but last time I played, self loading cargo, was more lucrative. I wouldn’t take 1st Class passengers more than 5 or 6 jumps for less than 5 mil.
1 jump. So not to bad. The pick up station is 5k away from the main star but the T8 has SCO so easy peasy. Couple that was advanced docking ans supercruise assist its easy money.
Has anyone here dabbled in Powerplay 2.0? Curious as to how the interactions are with NPCs from other powerplay factions? I’m reluctant to dive into the Powerplay stuff if I’m going to get randomly attacked by NPCs but Prismatic Shields seem to be locked under powerplay stuff.
I just barely got back to the concept of modifying my ships… Went through the list of engineers online and put together the list of my ships from Inara.
I’m quite excited at the prospect of further refining my ships to fit a role.
For example I’m doing a bit of CG bounty hunting with my Federal Assault Ship, the “Golgotha” and I realized how its agility isn’t matched by its weapons.
It does have a bite but I definitely could use some upgrades and some of the Powerplay bonuses have quite the appeal to them.