The race is on to take down Titan Hadad - 1.5 hearts already destroyed! At this rate Hadad will be lucky to see Saturday. If you want to earn your decal and ship kit then you’d better jump in on the action soon! I’m planning on earning my 2 mil credits this evening once the kids are in bed
They’re dropping so fast…
Made a couple of runs with a random wing. Should be enough to get the decal
Me to. My wife started getting annoyed with me “playing starships” when we had a bunch of work to finish, but once I explained that it was a time limited thing and if we miss it we won’t get the reward she changed her tone completely. She started getting into it and cheered when I got over the 2 mil mark
Did you come up against any bugged instances? I was up to just under 2 mil credits when my instance bugged out and it took a frustrating 20 minutes or so to get back in to a working instance.
To be honest, everytime I enter the Maelstrom I’m completely overwhelmed and try to survive.
I coordinated in my random wing that only one player will shot torpedos into the vents. It wasn’t me so I just hung around on the thermal core side and waited for the glowing ananas.
There was some talk about bugged instance but I cannot really tell what the difference is.
We got 6 or 7 exposed cores in 2 hours or so.
Yeah, me too. I found the tricky bit is losing the interceptors and scouts after the attack run. I had to eat a rebuy when i forgot to restock my heatsinks at one point.
When the instance bugs the vents stop opening and all the interceptors and scouts just hang around for a bit before leaving. It takes a while to realise when it happens - you get a kind of ‘it’s a bit quiet here’ vibe followed by everyone whining on the chat before logging out. I saw a lot of it for Tyranis but its definitely better now.
That thing looks SO SEXY.
Lakon ships are my favorite. I’d love to replace my Python as the medium pad cargo and mining ship in my lineup with this Star Wars looking grimy Lakon thing.
Jumping back in after a bit of a hiatus. Honestly left due to the thargoid war. Wasn’t interested so I high tailed it out into uninhabited space and have been exploring and floating around avoiding the thargoid war stuff. (just isn’t my cup of tea)
But I have noticed a huge decline in Thargoid stuff.
I guess my question is, How much of a threat do the thargoid still pose? If I avoid the systems they are controlling am I ok?
Short answer: Yes. Avoid the Thargoid controlled systems and the ones immediately neighbouring them and you should be fine. I don’t know if they are still doing the occasional hyperdiction around Maia etc. like before the invasion so you might want to avoid those areas too.
ED is a fantastic space sim and I put in about 1,700 hours into it according to Steam. I stopped playing it though about a year ago since I felt I’ve pretty much done everything there is to do.
If Fromtier adds new ships and adds the ability to walk around and explore your ship then I may come back.
They have added two new ships so far this year and have stated there are two more coming ‘this year’. They have also stated that they are overhauling the powerplay system and if they do that well it might draw me back in. I’m exploring Star Citizen at the moment and I have to admit it ticks a lot of the boxes that ED doesn’t.