Elite Dangerous 2024

Thanks for the update! I was eying that Mandalay.


Same for me… I like the shape and reminds me a bit of the Mandalorian’s Razor Crest.

Can it be bought already (with in game money, that is) ?


Not sure if the Mandalay is avalible yet. Im guessing it will be around the trailblazer update if its not allready.

That being said, I can absolutely recommend the Mandalay. Best exploration ship out there.

Oh and an FSD with SCO, absolute beast!

Good idea, gonna need to see what it will take to even colonize. Be cool seeing a bunch of systems with Mudspike stations.


I dropped into my first High Grade Emission signal source yesterday. Boy what a buff. I topped off one of the grade 4 & 5 materials in one instance. I must have collected over 40 items (each worth 3 materials). Before the change you got 15 materials when lucky.

Mandalay was not available for credits when I checked yesterday. I could see a Type 8 though.


Anybody turn in any data yet?

We still get paid for the data or is it more of a contribution that we will get paid the bonus level?

I’m about 76 jumps out. Just don’t want to lose rank towards Elite in exploration

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I turned in my first batch of contributions to see how it goes- I scouted only about 30 Star Systems with only a few that had some planets discovered but untouched- no surface mapping or first foot-fall (which usually grants a 30k credits bonus per planet).

Made about 4 million on delivery and I was placed in the top 25% CG Contributors which, for now, means a projected 100 Million credits rewards.

To answer you, yes, you still get paid.

How it works is this- when you land on the station that houses the Community goal you first and foremost must go to the mission screen, select the Community goal and sign in.

Only after that you go to the Universal Cartographics contact and sell your exploration data.

–Only if you signed up before doing that your exploration counts for the Community goal–

All the rewards are delivered only after the time is up AND don’t forget you usually have to collect it only from the same station that issued the Community Goal

EDIT: This weekend I will dedicate myself a bit more to exploration in unexplored systems which usually grants almost double the Universal Cartographics value even if IIRC doesn’t change the Community Goal contributions.


I haven’t, I’m running through some unexplored systems still 10k ly or so outside the bubble, my plan is to knock out a few more systems today and tomorrow, then make the trek to turn in data Friday.

I wouldn’t say the laptop runs ED well… but it is good enough for exploring.


I’ve just started a long swing out towards the Coalsack Nebula. Thinking I’ll get in the same sector, then turn North and start surveying as many systems as I can, probably with some mapping and footfall if there’s any biological stuff (that can help get things to upgrade suits too, right? That part is still kicking my butt), then give myself a couple of days to run back under cover of either solo or Mobius.

Also holy crap, that new pre-engineered +SCO reward drive gave me an immediate 10LY boost over my old fully engineered drive. And that’s without getting Mass Manager thrown on it before I left.


Awesome! I figured you had to sign up first.

Good to know you still go through the other screen and get paid.

Probably jump into the system and off load my current data after signing up and then go back out.

I beed to offload about a billion dollars worth of exobiology too. Just in case the Trailblazer update Nerfs exo


I dont think exo helps with suit upgrades. Could be wrong though.

Exo will get you money quick though. I set my criteria for planets as follows,

3 exo signals and a first foot fall im going for it.

5 exo signals means its an automatic go for me no matter if its a first fottfall or not.


Wait- where did you get that?

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Earth-Thargoid War Community Goal a few weeks ago. I quickly upfitted my Clipper to attack the core part of the Titan, got enough damage to qualify for the CG’s lowest tier. Only cost me like 5 rebuys.

Though if you have caustic cargo racks, I think you can still scavenge Titan Drive Components from the wreckage, and use that along with a few other things to unlock the drive from tech brokers.

I unfortunately didn’t get any pictures, as I’m still fighting with keybindings.


This. You can still collect the items on one of the Titan wrecks (I recommend the one in Earth’s orbit, because of the scenic view), go to the tech broker and get one SCO FSD in the class of your choice in less than an hour. You need to repeat it if you want a different module though. Size 5 is probably the one most widely used and therefore I recommend starting with this. Check maximum FSD slot size for your ship:

My DBX now jumps 81.7 ly and is buzzing around in the bubble. The Super Cruise boost also cuts down intersystem travel significantly.


I think I did mention this before but in case your HUD got long in the tooth with the same orange hue… look at this.

Git it here…


Note: Now it has also a Shipyard function that allows the player to set up a specific scheme for each single ship you already own.


Made it back into civilization and dropped off 1833 reports. Not bad I guess, Back into the black for a quick run out and back before it ends to see how much more I can contribute,


Whoa great job…

EDIT : @weaponz248 WHOA x2! You do have the Mandalay! How doyou like it? Did you find the price worthy of the performance?


Didn’t have so much time so my contributions are not as impressive as yours…


Yeah those look so good! Awesome that there’s a GUI for it now. I played with a blue/purple layout for a while, when I still manually swapped out a config file to change it.

My problem was that I kept forgetting which color was friendly, neutral, hostile, wing. And I only play Elite for a few weeks every time before dropping it for a year or more.

I love changing the UI colors on software I use, but I finally had to conclude I don’t play E:D regularly enough to have a beautiful cockpit :frowning:

So apart from the French ship voice and preferring an oldtimer ship that no one has flown since 2015 (Diamondback Scout), my cockpit is bog-standars orange again.

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A very good point- which brings me to my own modified HUD which is a close replica- close as possible that is- to the BattleStar Galactiva DRADIS

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Pics or it didnt happen

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