Elite Dangerous Thread

An amazing video…
This game is pretty great :slight_smile:

I backed this sim early on, and because of that I get free upgrades - forever.
Best gaming purchase I ever made.


That makes two of us! :wink:


This seems like it’d be an interesting metric:

  1. I early adopted/backed a game/sim and it was totally worth it!
  2. I early adopted/backed a game/sim and I regret it.
  3. There was a game/sim I didn’t early adopted/back and I regret it.
  4. There was a game/sim I didn’t early adopt/back and I’m glad I didn’t!

Another early backer here. Worth every penny.

Early backer that has never played it. What the heck does that make me?

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We keep telling you, the price of admission is a lot easier than you think.

And I’m hoping to be back in play by April. I’ll let you know, and keep pestering you to come drink the Kool-aid.

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It’s a small install, it works great with the Xbox One controller you get with the Rift with practically no set-up, it’s probably one of the top five games in VR in terms of presence as well - especially if you like flight. Apart from that, not sure what else will convince him.

It’s like he prefers to not open presents - I’m guessing a dark Christmas-based back-story disaster origin story for this one :wink:


I hope this doesn’t scare Beach away but I’m at a point where the grind is real again, I haven’t ground out missions like this since I started but some how in all of my playing I’ve only ever ranked with a faction twice! Money isn’t really an issue, its I don’t have the rank for better ships… ugh…


New Beta patch inbound…



A bit of clarification over some recent “fears”.


Little cozy update…


Awwww yesssss

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NAME PLATES for your ships available in Store!

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Anyone having issues with Steam? I can’t seem to connect.

I’d assume their servers are being hammered. :confused:

2.3 working fine for me so far but the patch took away the CZ Lows from the CG system Gandii which has me scrambling to keep the civil war body count going, only CZ Highs there now.

Well I got home and Steam connected itself and had the download just about done… it finished and then promptly disappeared and started over :rage:

Edit: I went to the Steam download folder and there’s the update sitting there… but it doesn’t seem to have been applied to Steam as it keeps telling me to update when I open it… Anyone how to make this work?

Is Steam telling you to update Elite or just update Steam? It might be worth clearing your download cache using this:

Steam Support :: Clear download cache