I wonder if it would blend better with Ortho - you can grab Arizona here. I have the X-Aviation/X-Scenery AZ installed…but still haven’t grabbed Sedona…
Anyway - I do not recommend this scenery. It is pretty rough looking…more like freeware quality and just sorta not on par with some of other payware scenery out there.
Well, inevitably I had a last hurrah with the Memorial Day (weekend) sale at X-Plane.org. I have been enjoying flying the Bell 412 in VR so much that I picked up the Dreamfoil Bell 407 for XP11, the S92 and the Mattahorn Park scenery, which has 12 helipads. Thank goodness the sale ends today! My wallet is smarting but I have picked up some good stuff that should keep me happy for quite awhile.
Guys do you know of any eshop with ebooks about aircrafts/flying where one can pay e.g. with paypal?
Btw I hate amazon! How they can state that kindle format of a book (or mp3 format of an album) is not available in my country? It is downloadable content, it is avalaible from anywhere where internet conection is!
And then they are wondering why people are not buying things and why pirating is so popular!
Ha haa! My aerial car control training continues …
It’s like they say … easy game to learn but hard to become even remotely adequate LOL! There are so many levels of complexity to this simple looking game. Just try ORANGEPIE’s [WHY YOU SUCK] SHADOW DEFENSE training mission for instance. I’ve not saved one goal yet! Incredibly difficult.
Ah, Rocket League. When I was addicted to CSGO I thought, ah a nice little car game - what would be the harm? 300 hours later…
Anyway, if you do stick with it, here’s what I wish I had known from the start:
Remap your controls. Move the default [X] of drift and air steer to the left bumper. If you get into it and then have to relearn this it is really painful. It’s essentially because you need to drift and air steer and there are too many right pad buttons to press, so if you start off with left bumper you’ll be better off up front.
Change the default camera controls - they are awful. Camera shake off, FOV 105, Distance 250, Height 105, Angle -3, Stiffness 0.5 and move swivel to 6.0.
Competitive is ranked, so Bronze means all new players together. You essentially relearn the game at each level due to people getting used to things. You don’t need aerial that much until Gold, and at Platinum/Diamond you’ll need pretty much all of the youtube caster tricks (quick aerial, ball carry, diagonal flip, the works).
In competitive bronze/silver you’ll probably win most games if you (a) stay as the goalie and just wait it out. and (b) spread out. Most goals at the beginning at just random long distance stuff. If the 3 of you spread out and you stay back in goal then you’ll be in the top 10% of that level.
Voice chat will be toxic in comp up till about Diamond, after that people either team properly or just play. You can turn comms off if you like, lots of players do, it makes no difference at the beginning unless you are voice chatting anyway.
In the air, use the air steer to land on your wheels, even if vertical on the wall. It will help you get back into the game easier.
The quick up of LS-Down, A+B, B feather, LS-Neutral, A Tap is only essential from about Gold. Before that just a good LS-Down A+B is fine.
If you pass off the back curve walls you’ll be in Gold before no time. People don’t usually pass.
Long range shots on the half-volley work well at the beginning, and great for big clears and sometimes goals. Basically just play territorially, just like soccer.
Keep auto camera on for now. When you are dribbling/carrying much later then it is handy to flip on/off but you’ll need 100 hours plus before that.
Yeah, it’s got a really high skill ceiling and would be fun if you are all starting out together in a team of 3. You can just turn the chat to ‘team only’ or use Teamspeak and as most teams at the beginning are just random groups, you’ll probably win a lot and have a good time.
Totally worth it. Some might argue that Assetto Corsa and Rfactor 2 are still ahead in the physics department but the ease of setting up and tweaking VR in PC2 for good graphics and acceptable performance is well ahead of the other two. My opinion of course. I’ve had more fun than I should in PC 2 screaming around Long Beach in an Indy Car, or driving the California highway in the F150 in VR…