Happy 6th Birthday Mudspike Forums

We’re not good on remembering anniversaries, but the cake next to be wee frog icon reminded me we are today 6 years old on this version of the forums. Happy Birthday forums! :moon_cake:

I’ve been happy with Discourse as our forum engine, and it’s been nice to watch it spread like some sort of text-based virus through where forums are still used on the internet. Things like reddit and Discord are where the really cool kids hang out, but that’s all been good for us here. All we wanted was a less clunky text / message based forum, and somewhere anyone could read and join in, and that’s what we got. It’s ok to have text and pictures that don’t disappear at the next corporate acquisition or IPO - it’s slower paced but given our dad-bods that’s probably all good too. :slight_smile:. A lot of people arrive via Google searches etc and I think it generally helps a lot of sim people, which was the idea.

Please only take one piece of cake. :cake:


Happy birthday to our little peaceful corner of the Internet
Thanks to the staff (current, former and future) for keeping it all ticking along and making it a great place to visit and be a part of


Happy birthday Mudspike!
anyone GIF


@BeachAV8R said I could have his piece. Honest… :innocent:

Congratulations, @fearlessfrog! And well done!


Happy BDay Mudspike!

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Happy birthday Mudspike! I like our wee corner, just like @Victork2 said. :blush:

I’m looking forward to the next six years of good chat and thread derailment with you guys :+1::tada::steam_locomotive:


I’d settle for a tray that wasn’t dried in a rainforest.

And HB Mudspike forums, of course.


Ouch, that hits close to home. Thank goodness for my phone calendar.

Good work to those that keep this vessel on course! Congrats.

Where the heck did the time go… I remember when this site first popped up.


They made a general call for Vaccinations in BC today, it read ‘Anyone born in 2003 or earlier is eligible as an adult’. Uh, 2003? That make them what, five years old? That can’t be right… :sob:


Oh man…I missed our birthday (by 12 minutes I think…past midnight here). My “honey do” list was two arms long today. I probably shouldn’t have TOLD my wife that quit writing for the magazine…the expectation level of duties has ratcheted up. :rofl: Then my son begged me to play Arma 3 with him…which was a blast…he just went to bed, so I’ll be the one that gets in trouble when he is grumpy in the morning before school.

Happy Cake Day to you all…!


So the great writing gig has ridden off into the sunset?

Not getting out of it what you used to?

Happy B-Day, appreciate all that you guys do,



I enjoyed it up to my last day doing it. I was just having trouble carving the time out of the clock and felt that it was time to let someone with a newer and fresher take on the hobby give it a whirl. It was supremely rewarding and I’m happy I could do it for as long as I managed.

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Happy birthday mudspike, 6 years of knowing you crazy kids or meeting you along the way. Sure glad we have somewhere to chat and post without the grief of the ED forums and all the hater’s

Happy Birthday GIF by MOODMAN


I swear, I only took one…



Six years already? Time does fly.

Thanks to all of you who make this such a great place to hang out. I think of each and every one of you as friends. The biggest thanks of course goes to Chris and the management team for making Mudspike possible.


I have my cake sign today and funnily enough was browsing my youtube videos and found this from my first mudspike fly-in when the L39 was released
Uploaded in 2015, man where does the time go

And look how far the graphics have come


Nice clouds!


Interesting. I wasn’t doing DCS back then (pre-VR for me and it was just the occasional tube-liner flight in P3D or BMS when I got the itch) but, based on that video it doesn’t look much different than now (or was that the point I missed?).

Except the clouds.

Likely cuz I’ve only seen it from my VR headset since then.

And “Happy B-Day” MudSpike!