seems we’ll need to print new lens frames too!
Here we go:
I am not sure what exactly you want me to measure, @Troll. Sorry, I am a “graphical” person - so my brain understands pictures better than words
The distance I measured is marked in the picture. It is basically the top of the padding to the top of the insert: around 5mm. It is difficult to get right so excuse some possible imprecision.
The bottom of the padding is below the top of the insert.
But again: If it is not what you were after, post please a picture.
Thanks, @apollon01!
That picture says all I need to know. If using lens inserts, it won’t be possible to use the close face interfaces. In fact, the lens inserts look very close to the eyes even with the original interface…
I have some inserts for my Reverb and at times I can feel my eye lashes brushing against them. I think that they sit about in the same spot closer than glasses would. I am ambivalent about the inserts because when I have to take the headset off to look underneath at a windows thing, I almost need my glasses on to see the regular screen. That makes it somewhat frustrating. If I get a G2 Reverb, I am not sure I will go for the glasses inserts.
Nice job on the 3D Print @Troll. I recommend the Prusa slicer. If you want, send me the files and when I am working from home again and can monitor a long print, I can try it on my Ender 6-SE.
I use the Odyssey ones on my Reverb G1. They don’t really fit, but I jam them in there. They also brush against my eyelashes. I had some vague non-formed plans of one day either cutting or getting reprinted the surround to fit better, but that fell by the wayside.
I don’t think Widmovr even sell Reverb G1 inserts anymore? Or maybe they never did. I was thinking I could buy some of the plastic bits and see if the existing lens would fit the new surround, but then I think the actual lens are cut different per model even? Anyone know?
Here’s the lens covered with the Odyssey shaped insert on the left, and naked Reverb G1 lens on the right.
(ugh, I should have air cleaned it before the photo, sorry all, put behind spoiler thingy for people that hate this sort of thing - the flash makes it look worse)
I think the O+ ones if placed over the G2 lenses would end up with glass on glass (or whatever the G2 lenses are made of). The cups of the O+ WidmoVR lenses are not deep enough to allow the frame to rest on the plastic of the G2…
I used Prusa on the first prints. The supports make the print at least 2hrs longer to print and was almost impossible to remove. I read about others using Cura because of its tree supports, and that worked well.
@Troll Remove your eyelashes already, they are only in the way.
@EAF51_Jimmi Give it a chance, there is a guide here that took me from “Its Ok” to “I love it in just an hour”. Mind your, this is a good time to clean up the old 'puter. I reinstalled Win10, my overclock and got my 2080Ti buzzing with a nice OC also. Anything to avoid buying a 3080/90. Shame on you Nvidia… See you next year.
Ok, now I have seen literally everything on Mudspike.
Jimmi, could you pls post your specs, DCS settings and the FPS you get with G2? thx
This is why I like Mudspike
@Maico i used bigenvy settings and it’smucj better! 80fps offline and 45 online in Storm of War!
should try to OC the 2080 super too!
Your wot has wot now?!
@Scoop Sorry Brother. That very much sucks!
@BeachAV8R, although I don’t have a Reverb, your Kitty in the Rain shot above inspired the copy-cat in me (see what I did there?). I avoided using the thunderstorm setting in the past because it really brings my frames to their knees. This time I pressed on anyway. So glad I did. I was only able to hang on to the S-3 basket for about 5 seconds. Without a probe light it is extremely hard to stay formed with the S-3 in those conditions. The ACLS was VERY challenging. For about a minute I could see the meatball but not the deck (I guess I had the vis turned down a bit too much.) It took some deep digging to avoid looking at the light and just concentrate on needles and AOA. Totally un-nerving! I thought I did great but got No Grade on the 1 wire. Thanks for the inspiration! That was cool as Goose!
Oh man…I hadn’t tried refueling off the S-3 yet. Fortunately in the dark you probably couldn’t see it was ugly as sin still (the 3D model) …
The rain on canopy effect is very cool if you tick it in the options. I’m sure it has a performance penalty…but it definitely adds to the moodiness on deck. For giggles, after I did that F-14 pattern a few times I switched to the Hornet - jeez…that thing is just so much easier to fly and keep good SA with…it almost felt like cheating…
Oh no! Hope it is a quick fix on the computer… Good news is - you can be leisurely with the consumption of the box.
Its just a boot error. Nothing serious he will be back flying and hurling in next to no time
Hurling across the sky with wild abandon!