HP Reverb G2

Or hurling in the VR headset. :smiley:

PS: I am at least partially sorry.


That was awful… but I laughed anyhow. Sorry @Scoop.

I knew you’d get it. This is bliss is it not? My gold standard is the F-5 Quick start Nevada free flight. The sun comes up over Vegas. Its crazy cool in the G2.

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He saw the funny side as well. He’s good sport. Plus we’ve all had similar experiences haven’t we. I’ve had more than one bandy legged wobbly walk to the cold kitchen floor tiles to lay down before now lol

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Another pro tip. Shaving your legs makes the C-101 go faster.


Logically the prime suspect for the computer murder is now the box, recommend caution? :cat:

How long did the Widmovr take in all?

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It’s an EMP!


Hi. Me again. Non-reverb owner. Maybe not helpful but just so people aren’t hunting down placebos in the never ending quest for smooth frame rates: coinciding with the release of the Reverb was an update to DCS that very much changed the game for me. I used to piddle with Storm of War. But visually, VR Normandy has been very much a mess if not a slideshow when more that a handful of units slipped within my view-bubble. After the recent updates, it’s been smooth as silk. I am on SoW every night now and cannot believe what a dramatically different experience Normandy Multiplayer has become relative to just a few months ago. Even fighting over downtown Caen with spotlights ablaze and fights everywhere, it works well and looks terrific. Like I said, maybe not helpful. But it is easy to turn a dial and think, wow! what I just did paid off big-time! When in fact it just happened to coincide with developments within the sim itself.

I look forward to that. My cunning plan is to not use DCS for 3 months (I’m 2 months in), then fill that time with doing other really complicated things that completely fill my brain, but then (this is the good bit) come back to DCS and sit in the Harrier cockpit again and say out loud ‘I have no memory of this place!’. That way I get to enjoy it again and again, just like the first time! :wink:


I know a far shorter and easier way to accomplish that :wink: :boxing_glove:

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You’d be surprised how familiar that cockpit is when you jump back. I was shocked at my retention of the startup. I remember nothing.
The only bit that caused me a pause was the wheel chocks as they weren’t there before.

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why would you care about wheel chocks… in Harrier :smile:


I thought the same thing. But even empty with water injection they hold you down to the ground and you cannot lol. When the ground crew refused to remove them I tried a quick bunny hop but it was no good.
Only way to get them off is to remove before engine start for some reason. Ground crew are happy to refuel and re arm. But hell if they are going near those wooden chocks :rofl:

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Boys, there comes a time when a man must choose. Choose between drivers that support the latest and greatest game (460.xx) or drivers that do not bork your VR performance.

I thought the above was hokum, but I just had to give it a go. And the difference is not to be scoffed at. I rolled back to last May’s driver (446.16) and the sim runs so much better. You (and especially you, @Scoop) need to give this a shot.

More frames correlate directly with less upchuck.


i’ll try them! Ty!

My moment to remember has always been getting up and walking right into the wall. I then said to myself, “The bathroom is that way!” I don’t hardly get to enjoy vertigo… The 101st and the 82nd beat that out of me early in life.

One observation last week. I have traffic turned off in DCS settings. I was taking off in Syria Map from Ramat David and Whoa! It was like the West Side turnpike on 4th of July weekend… I thought, that’s odd… Checked the setting and sure enough… Traffic is off. All other maps are fine but Syria is more like LA on Friday night. Nuts!! Must be a bug?

My favorite VR moment of the past few days was chilling in the F-14 on the deck of the carrier…getting ready to slide up onto the catapult and reaching over and taking a drink of my beer. And the puzzlement I felt at NOT seeing my pilot avatar in the canopy bow mirror NOT lifting a beer to his helmet was…disconcerting.


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I had the same problem and I tried the same solution (full power!). Wouldn’t budge… I’ll try the pre-engine engagement trick next.

MRTV showing the sweetspot on the G2 he got from HP for a review.

I have not done the same test myself but already now I can see that the sweetspot on his unit seems to be quite bigger than mine.

Interesting… I am staying tuned.

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Didnt like srs or simple talk

I have an irrational (ok…totally rational) fear that I’m going to put my headset on one day and a spider is going to crawl across my face. I think I need a Guard Gecko…