HP Reverb G2


Guard Gecko, now with Micro cloth sleeping bag. Cleans and protects all in one. :grimacing:

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Well. Thats VR ruined. Cheers @BeachAV8R



So you say you cover it loosely with a cloth and leave it plugged in all day?
You created a warm dark place for the Spider to Sleep…
The two lenses became a his and hers bedroom for creepy crawlers
Yeah, your fault! :dizzy_face:

Yeah…they needed two more lenses for better tracking…

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Darn it, Beach. My appetite for VR just died or got real sick, hard to tell just yet.
On the other hand, I think we just saved some money. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well, to be fair…there could be critters in your earphones too…


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:rofl: 20+ years as an air ambulance pilot does things to you.




Certainly does


I quite like spiders. When you have spiders you know you don’t have House Centipedes because the centipedes eat the spiders!!! YUUUUUUUUCKKKKK! …

The sound they make when they hit the floor after they fall off something you’ve just picked up is really disconcerting to me. The older they get, the more legs they grow too!!!

When I see a spider, I happily let it live. When I see a centipede, I don’t care if it’s a baby or five years old … termination with extreme prejudice.

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Aaahhh! My Reverb G2 has arrived to and is ready for shipment from the main Komplett storage facility in Norway.
Now we will see how long it will take for it to get here in these Corona times.

Be patient Nielsen! Be patient!

Happy Simming


It’s going to be worth the wait bud, you’ll love it!


That was faster than expected!

I just picked this up today:

Nice clean box without damages. (Taste? Well, cardboardboxyish and black at that.)

Ahh. Quick user manual.

Another box in the box.

Even more pristine box. (I think that it is the same vintage as the outer box.)

Ohh, the headset and user manual and warrenty box. (Somewhat thinner taste.)

That assesories box is heavier than it looks and the taste was soso.

Hand thingies.

Cablely dodadies and batteries.

I have ordered a 2m DP extension cable and when that arrives I will install my new CPU and swap to my 2 new 10 port powered USB thingies and fire up the Reverb G2.

Happy Simming


So, I’ve not really asked this directly but, if I get a G2 and down-scale it such that its about the resolution of the my [getting really worn] O+, it should produce the same performance, right? All other stuff being equal (my PC)?

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right. But it’ll look better, less screen door effect.


Can you downgrade it to the same resolution as a cv1

Yes you can. Even further if you want. It becomes a blurry mess, but you can.

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