Thats Interesting. I can feel the need to get rid of the oculus and I cant afford an upgrade to the pc. This could be a helpful stop gap
I have ordered (and paid for!) a GPU that I’m still only nr 129 on the waiting list for. Until that time, my 1070 will have to do. And still the G2 is a huge improvement over the CV1 because the screen door is almost gone. Only after about two hours in the hood, with some intense staring does a very fine mesh seem to appear. It’s also more comfortable to wear.
But imagine the performance. In the limit case, you could have a perfectly fluid and smooth picture of one (sorry, two - we talk stereoscopics here) pixel
Btw, the OpenXR which allows the WMR run natively on MSFS allows just 50% downscaling (beware, not from 2160pxl but from some 3000+pxl). Not sure about SteamVR though. I am not at my PC.
You can change the sim’s render resolution to like 10% or something in the MSFS VR settings, so really it’s the case you can bring it down regardless of OpenXR down/upscale limits.
Thanks, glad to hear that. The better lenses should be noticeable I’m guessing: would be nice to nix the Fresnel lens ‘rings’; really the only distracting thing in the O+. And something I don’t have to go Dr Frankenstein on to make it comfortable will be good too!
I have my G2 running slightly above Rift S resolution and I have the same performance as before but, as @schurem writes, with a better picture.
I am almost there (enough old) to push the buy button on G2.
I would like to invite all ‘I dont like VR’ guys here to talk me out of it
Most highly unrecommended for sure sure…!
I’m not going to talk you out of if it since I’d like the G2 too! I just checked for availability in Canada … it’s now available at $850 CAD!!! ($960 tax in) Yikes!
I still like my Oculus Rift S too much … especially now with MSFS2020. I found the Rift S a great improvement over the CV1 in terms of reduced screen door effect, halo comfort and the five camera inside out tracking.
I’m currently running the S at 1.5 supersampling and MSFS2020 Resolution Scaling set to 100%. Love it! Then again it has no physical IPD adjustment so if your IPD doesn’t fall within the average, you might not be very impressed. If it does, and you can find the Rift S for cheap, it might be a good alternative to jumping into the VR arena at three to four times the price!
I am all for this as a practical way to dip your toe into the virtual water. It really isn’t for everyone. A friend of mine bought a Reverb last year and could never get over feeling ill after 20 minutes. To me it is more practical to fork over $200-300 for a used S or Reverb. If you love it—and you most like will have your mind forever blown—then and only then sell your first born and buy something new. Either way, you can unload the used one for close to what you paid for it.
Yup, there’s that and the fact that people seem to be lacking the hardware to even come close to running the G2 to it’s full potential! I’m just now realizing my Rift S’s full potential with a 3080 graphics card!
I’ve been running the Reverb resolutions just fine since a 1080. It only got better with a 2080ti…
I guess I’m only talking about the Rift S with MSFS2020. I’ve had a pretty sketchy past trying to run VR to my satisfaction in flight sims until now.
Interesting. I came to the party late, but I was pretty surprised by how well my 1080 handled the Reverb 2.
Star Wars Squadrons, IL-2, and even DCS all run smoothly albeit with some of the eye candy turned down. MSFS over NY is another matter of course, but it does still run.
I wonder sometimes if I just don’t have the VR Fu to fully appreciate how good VR should look.
Like your friend Reverb G2 made me ill for a while (months). I now limit myself to hrs (going to 3) and have altered the settings.
thx guys for your thoughts and opinions.
frankly, I was again all ‘do it!’ followed with ‘can wait!’
actually I tend to like the ‘second hand’ approach. the reasons are as follows :
first) G2s are not available locally atm anyway
second) my main rides are helos in XP11 where many are XP10 versions (which were not yet updated to XP11 flight model) so the VR experience would be not good I assume.
and last) found something available…
…I checked used pieces availability locally and it is in the range of 300 - 400 EUR (there are parts of the world where you can have new unit for that cash )
I found one Rift S for 330 EUR (but usually they go for 380 EUR) and Reverb Pro for 350 EUR (discounted by the seller maybe today from 380 EUR).
I think Reverb Pro could be that candidate!?
…it is still under warranty till July '21, and the seller says I can try it before buy it. Sounds like good deal I think.