OHPLEASETELLMEEE! I want to know the mistake!
I ended up with 9 million tons of sheep.
If 12m dollars of sheep gets you 121,600 (it was close to that I can’t remember the figure)
And each sheep weighs 75ish kg
You do NOT end up with 9 million tons of baa baa…
Ffs. I do fuel calculations for aircraft…thats a worrying thought
I knew something was off when 12m dollars of sheep being moved was 36 odd thousand trips with an Antonov 225.
Glad I spotted it before anyone found out though. Phew.
Yup, right on time.
Does it help if they were “show sheep”…like model sheep.
Calculations: no
That was a waste of an afternoon
That doesn’t sound like much, but when I tried the close, wide FoV face frames, I could feel my eyelashes brush against the lenses. I don’t think prescription lenses will work with these.
What a difference a few shaders makes…!
I installed the shader package with transparent water as I just love how this looks when I fly around the big flat boat, trolling for wires.
Now I could maintain 90FPS without reprojection in the Caucasus. 90, dipping into 45 Reproj. dogfighting in Syria…
How come these shaders aren’t standard ED issue, for VR?
Does this sound like the kind of performance that you’re seeing, @fearlessfrog ?
I think that’s, like, the 2nd most asked question on their forums.
Are you using SteamVR’s OpenVR or the WMR OpenXR…gosh…this gets confusing…thing? I switched to WMR’s ‘thing’ recently (looking for the post in a second) but the re-projection-like…ah, lets call it the anticipatory scene smoother…thing isn’t working for me like it does in SteamVR. So, I’m getting higher values but not quite as smooth.
Ok, found the post in here (had to really lean back to see it up there):
Yeah, same. I just put them on, not really intending to look that much but as it was just a simple drag/drop and thought why not? It makes a big difference for sure.
It is confusing for sure. For DCS it only supports two VR APIs, (1) the Oculus SDK or (2) SteamVR (aka OpenVR).
If you have a Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) headset like an Odyssey or a Reverb then for DCS VR you have to use the SteamVR access (via something called WMR for SteamVR, which essentially ‘fakes’ your headset to appear as a SteamVR device).
Just because it’s SteamVR (or the proper name of OpenVR) then it doesn’t mean you need to run the game on Steam. DCS standalone can run OpenVR just fine.
The new kid on the block is ‘OpenXR’. This is meant to be a unifying API that gets rid of all this ‘Is it Oculus, is it SteamVR, is it WMR?’. It’s new and the only thing that supports it so far is MS Flight Sim. There’s a diagram of how it will work around here:
In the future it would be great if DCS, IL-2 Box, XP11 etc add support for OpenXR.
No it isn’t! We’ve got you to sort it out and explain it.
Troll confused @fearlessfrog
Troll unconfused.
Things are really moving fast in DCS now, with this shader mod. I remember they made a difference on the Rift as well, but I quickly grew tired of the installation routine. And then DCS got some improvements, so 90FPS in the OG Rift and then 80 in the Rift S was achievable, with some tuning of the settings, so I didn’t bother with the shader mod anymore. From what I have read, a new guy has taken over Kegetys old mod and now it’s a bit more user friendly, it seems.
Thanks, though my brain is too full with other things right now to grok it…
I followed the above post to configure things I’m doing this:
And in SteamVR, this:
Somehow it all works (O+, nVidia 1080), at least as best as it ever has.
The Motion Repro doesn’t seem to work however. Or at least it is ‘different’ than what SteamVR does. VRam seems lower and the FPS is higher.
Are you talking about in DCS @jross? Just to be clearer, DCS doesn’t use any settings from that OpenXR stuff, it’s ‘WMR for SteamVR’ only. The only sim that would use those OpenXR settings is MSFS. My settings for my WMR device and DCS are up here: HP Reverb G2 - #1096 by fearlessfrog
Oh, yeah. Forgot that detail. Not touched FS2020 in some time.
My process to get it all going may lead to a clue: plug in headset, WMR auto-starts, run SteamVR from shortcut (which starts Steam), run DCS.
DCS seems to start SteamVR on it’s own but, old habits I guess.
WMR will ‘nag’ me if I’ve not selected it’s option (“…Fix It” balloon pops up); I normally ignored this but, as per the above post, decided to try it a few days ago and observed higher FPS overall and lower VRAM numbers (MSI Afterburner report), which are probably related.
Ah, cool. Yep the settings for DCS in your case would just be in SteamVR then, so basically this stuff
SteamVR beta 1.16.7 with ‘WMR for SteamVR’ beta 1.2.536
Note: running the ‘beta’ bits of both those things about might be important, as it changed on how the settings are respected in WMR. If you have the same as me then the ‘Motion Smoothing’ enabled will go ask WMR to run it’s reprojection (it used to be via a funny text file, but no anymore on the beta of ‘WMR for SteamVR’).
The OpenXR settings only help with MSFS, so changing them and getting a better DCS experience on WMR is a bit like this:
Okay, yeah, I missed that “per-application” page setting. <<< keeping up with this all takes persistence
Yes, running WMR For Steam VR and (it looks like) the beta/dev version of WMR/XR as per the above image. And Steam VR Beta 1.16.8x
Honestly, all I ever run is DCS: DCS World, Visual Studio, LUA Dev Tools, and a web browser - a lot of money for a handful of apps, but, keeps me off the streets at night
Found that setting (Motion Smoothing) and will try it later.
FS2020 - just too ragged on my eyes in VR, and I don’t like how any of the aircraft “feel” (related to the performance too I’m sure), though it’s been a month at least since I fired it up.
Thanks for the info.
I love that chart. Of course I attempted to rationalize how pirates would thrive in warmer waters. But then I confused myself with the thought that Vikings did their pillaging thing regardless of temperature.