HP Reverb G2

A post was merged into an existing topic: Through the lens - VR pics

Anyway, I updated the firmware. Headset still works. :vr:


@schurem so, any news with the headset yet?

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You getting the itch @tempusmurphy? You know the one…

fight club tyler GIF

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Oh yes … It would be great if we could do a mosquito night … :smiley:… Of course hinds would be better…

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They are sending a replacement cable. No ETA.

Fresh Prince Shrug GIF by MOODMAN


I was told the cable is on backorder up too 2 months… We wait… :frowning:

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I got my G2 on Friday and have fought it everyday since. Error 7-14 to start. Then Error 4-1, then Steam and WMR crashing at any hint of switching to VR.
When it works it is pretty darn nice, but I’ve spent probably 20 hours troubleshooting and 2 hours actually enjoying it.
Granted, I don’t know squat about VR and the last computer I had I built and pre-ordered the Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz…

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That is a real bummer. I’m relieved that mine has been working well since I took it out of the box…but nervous that any moment it will quit. Fingers crossed. Hopefully a competitor with the same or better resolution will push a product to market soon.

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This might be observation bias at work, am I noticing a lot more European problems with this headset than US? Transport issues possibly? Maybe sub contractor construction QC?
I’d love to know the failure numbers across the world


Still beats not being sold in Europe like the SO+.

But something is for sure funky. That’s not good PR for VR in general. :slightly_frowning_face:

Yes, mine has been trouble-free other than some occasional wonkiness with the mouse in DCS, which admittedly was software related and hasn’t happened in months.

Could it be a wonky voltage thing - or does a PC plugged into European outlets smooth all that out? Honestly I never even thought about PCs, PSUs, and all that until you mentioned it…


Could be, but if they are running off usb-3 I can’t imagine the invertors being that much different internally. Wall sockets…not sure. If there is a “brick” between it and the plug it acts as a transformer anyway so again I wouldn’t imagine so but this is total guesswork.


That’s something I reacted to when I got my G2… There sure wasn’t much energy absorbing packing material in there.

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It could be just that. A pallet has a hell of a lot of pressure and shock at the bottom. I’ve seen tins of paint bent out of shape during transit


You are not kidding… my dad was a lorry driver, the firm he worked for specialized delivering for the big supermarkets in the UK … Well the amount of slightly dented tins of food and coffee I saw as a kid … Now how many of those pallets were damaged by “accident” and how many were really accident I don’t know :smiley:


And even if the box wasn’t crushed, any sudden impacts would transfer more or less directly into the headset. No cushioning in there…

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It happened at the egg packing plant I was transport manager at regular as clockwork
“Ace, we had another one over I’m so sorry”
“I’ll get my %^*&ING wellies”


And I bet you lived on scrambled,fryed,poached,boiled egg for the next month… :grin: