Flak takes its toll
Was climbing to fly on “Deacon’s” wing when a direct flak hit obliterated his plane.
Flak takes its toll
Was climbing to fly on “Deacon’s” wing when a direct flak hit obliterated his plane.
is that Django Reinhardt I hear?
Is that Deacon of the Christmas Flight on SimHQ?
Benny Goodman, I think.
Sorry I keep forgetting there are multiple variations of that username. It is not Deacon211.
It was 352ndDeacon the CO of the online squad I fly with weekly. He always seems to get shot down by flak even when no one else gets a scratch.
Awwww dang is dat sum '46?
Coop videos from when we played it more than weekly. We call ourselves “Funky Squadron” since, at the start we developed an affinity for the Funky skins that come default in the game.
I didn’t limit myself to just the skins that shipped with the sim.
IL-2 1946 no mods. [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Wheels
Has someone out there posted or seen an IL-2 screenshot of a Go 229 in a "Hello Kitty" paint scheme? I saw this a couple of days ago, and now I can't find it. Please advise, and TIA, eh
I’ve got too many skins downloaded. I’m not too big on modding it, either.
After all, I have only done this once before
Modding 1946 can be fairly painless if you stick to one of the mod packs. It’s when you start trying to add every single mod that shows up that you have problems galore. You can also have multiple versions of the sim on your hard drive.
Easiest to use a mod manager, there’s several out there. I recently tried one out and it works pretty good.
if only they’d mod in VR support lol.
Easiest to use a mod manager, there’s several out there. I recently tried one out and it works pretty good.
Ain’t it the truth. I do not know how people modded prior to JSGME.
Ain’t it the truth. I do not know how people modded prior to JSGME.
I just made duplicate installations, didn’t take up a whole lot of space.
Ain’t it the truth. I do not know how people modded prior to JSGME.
I just made duplicate installations, didn’t take up a whole lot of space.
While my room tells a different tale, my computer is very organized so that’d drive me nuts. I don’t know why, it just would.
While my room tells a different tale, my computer is very organized so that’d drive me nuts. I don’t know why, it just would.
Also, just your room?
Bruh, my entire house screams “bachelor 4 lyfe”!
While my room tells a different tale, my computer is very organized so that’d drive me nuts. I don’t know why, it just would.
…Also, just your room?
Bruh, my entire house screams “bachelor 4 lyfe”!
Hell yes
A few from my screenshots folder.
If you read the server text you will get a sense of my prowess against the AI.
One of the “High Gore” mode perks is the funny text balloons.
Watching a pair of Me-262’s takeoff.
Can’t tell but the contrails are two Me-262’s. With an altitude advantage!!
Night landing. I actually nailed it with just a minor bounce…
Paratroopers taking over an airfield.
The paratrooper with the “Batman” face in the forefront is me after I had bailed out of my aircraft.
Dusk flight in an Me-262.
Same as previous.
Attempting an off field landing.
Pranging the prop is an almost certainty but when you get it right it feels great.
(Tail gunner view from my aircraft.)
One of those funny landing pattern glitches in IL-2 1946.
Allies meeting for the first time.
Had the Treaty of Versailles not taken away all of Germany’s colonies after WW1 this meeting of Allies might not have been as far fetched.
These were German colonies established in the Pacific: 1.German New Guinea, 1884 to 1919 Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1885 to 1914 Bismarck Archipelago, 1885 to 1914 German Solomon Islands Protectorate, 1885 to 1914 Bougainville Island, 1885 to 1914 Buka Island, 1885 to 1914 Choiseul Island, 1885 to 1900 Shortland Islands, 1885 to 1900 Santa Isabel Island, 1885 to 1900 Nauru, 1888 to 1914 Northern Mariana Islands, 1899 to 1914 Caroline Islands, 1899 to 1914 Palau Islands, 1899 to 1914 Marshall Islands...