Well Played Sir, I like what you did there. I remember the DCS Ai was not so polished a while back. Look at it now. Awesome!
Now there is one thing I rate 1946 as doing very well in SP. 8 ves 8 dogfights. The Ai was simply brilliant. Calling your wingman for help was really effective. Flying a Bomber intercept against the heavies in a German heavy fighter was good too. I miss soo much about this tittle. The QMB and the FMB as well as the many maps. Great Battles is Magnificent in its own right. Its content is just limited to the Great patriotic war. However, things are changing
A lot of things great about OG il2, but the AI? Naw man. Conga lines for days!
To me, the ai was the best part! Please 'splane yourself.
Maybe its because I played 1946 so long and saw its progress.
Oh yeah it came a long way. Conga lines where when multiple machines would line up following one enemy. They’d be flying a lazy climbing turn while the followers would be emptying their guns at the air just behind the enemies tail.
I still see it happen once in a while in nu-il2, but overall they are far more creative in their flying.
Hindsight is 20/20, but its colour-shifted to heck
do you still need the track ir? for head tracking?
are there any instructions for VorpX and cliff of dover somewere??
Follow Beach’s link above to the part of the VorpX thread and CloD discussion.
Hello Pilots,
1C Entertainment and Team Fusion in association with 1C Game Studios have announced IL-2 Sturmovik: Desert Wings - TOBRUK an official add-on to IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover - BLITZ will be available for Pre-Order on July 30th in the IL-2 Official Webstore and full released August 6th on Steam and the IL-2 Official Webstore and other 1C properties. Please visit the official announcement HERE for more information.
I’ll preorder on their site, saves me money and gives the rest to them. Valve has already made more than enough off me in the last 16 years!
Been out of the loop for a while (having a toddler run around eats into much of my sim time…), so can someone explain to me why this is not living under the BoX series?
$70 is pretty steep given the title requires CloD to play. Should Have be released similar to BoX mods; integrated but also able to stand alone. Means folks who skipped that one aren’t able to buy just this without shelling out cash for both. They cut themselves off at the knees in terms of marketability.
Because it’s simply not compatible with the BoX (Great Battles) series.
IL-2 Desert Wings Tobruk is an add-on to IL-2 Cliffs of Dover. It started as a mod, by Team Fusion, who later got a deal to use the source code.
Cliffs of Dover can be had quite regularly for under 7 dollars US currency when on sale. Been on sale so many times in the last 8 months that the sale price is practically the standard pricing now.
it’s currently $25 and hopefully I’m wrong, but I bet it’s not gonna be on sale again for a little while.
Imo, If Cliffs of Dover is not on sale before the Tobruk add-on is released it will go on sale at that time. If for no other reason than to help generate sales of the Tobruk add-on.
It has been on sale multiple times this year already I’m sure. Usually the big sales get most of the old titles like this one.
Still seems odd to release everything this way, with 777 essentially launching content on a platform that competes with…their other platform.
Also makes me a bit sad that this means we likely wont see an africa terrain in BoX for a long time, if at all.
I say this because over the past year, BoX has been my go to sim for the simple reasons that it has good content, and it just works. You boot it up, play, and shut down. No major show stopping bugs, no tweaking of settings to get it to run well, no having to update a dozen mods to get it to work. My sim time is precious and and in short supply these days, and Dont want to spend it getting the software to work.
When new content is released, I love that I just fire up the launcher, let it do its thing and download and install, and magically said content is installed to the same, familiar environment.
Maybe AfriCloD will work great too, but its still another platform to ‘learn’ and program a hotas for, get tweaked for settings, etc.
Frankly, I wish theyd just hit pause on the mod development, and begun converting the content and research to BoX.
This was in the works before 777/1C came in to offer the source code to make this official DLC/patch. It’s not so much them competing with themselves but more of, getting revenue out of something that was going to happen regardless of their involvement.
TF 5.0 was in the works for something like 5+ years now, so there’s a whole lot to the story that isn’t quickly summarized.
I feel the same for a modern Battle of Britain add on to Great Battles…
cough cough Pacific theater cough cough
Pacific theater is going to happen, it’s just a ‘when’. It’s a key ‘bucket list’ item for Jason; and he stated they paused production as it’s an issue of getting good reference source material, especially for the Japanese aircraft.
Personally, I’d be fine if they benchmarked off of the old IL2, and left it at that for japanese aircraft, rather than let ‘perfect’ be the enemy of good, but I do credit their commitment to capital S simulation quality.
Exactly. The Pacific in Great Battles isn’t hindered by the Team Fusion project… That I know of, anyway.