IL-2 Great Battles Screenshots (2023)

Decided tonight to change up my flying. I forgot how much fun IL-2 Flying Circus can really be. Started a “Pilot Career” flying for the French in 1917 and went out on patrol in my trusty SPAD. The one with the 150hp engine.

She is a purty aircraft…

My squadron came across some Huns harassing our supply convoys moving supplies to the front lines. My squadron leader signaled me to stay up and cover the rest of flight. They are really mixing it up down there.

I spot a lone Albatross which had broken away from the fight. He is perfectly sitting for me to do a hit and run. I dive.

I put him squarely in my gunsight and pull the trigger…up close. My aim was true and the hits devastating. He goes down.

The squadron destroys the Albatross flight. We head home.


Nice! I have not flown IL2 for a while. It is fun with some great aircraft


Flying Circus is probably my favourite VR flying experience… Goggles on, chocks away and tally-ho chaps. Woof!


Going to be starting another “Pilot Career” in IL-2 while I’m still flying the SPAD one I’m currently in. This time I will be flying during WW2 as an RAF Pilot flying one of my favorite historic aircraft. The Mosquito! Here I’ve taken her up today for a spin in order to get to know and understand the engine parameters I need to watch along with getting familiar with the layout of the cockpit and her handling qualities.

I must say I failed here. Later in the mission, the left engine stopped. You can see this in the last two screenshots. I got back to the airbase okay but was chewed out by the Squadron Commander and almost sent me back to flying school. :wink:

I believe I had too much RPM on the engines. Need to read more carefully.


This second round of flight familiarization went much, much better.

The view from the cockpit. High, about 14-15 angels just crossing the southern English coast.

My work environment. So many dials and instruments. I’ve studied them better now, understand my RPM requirements, boost power limits etc. The only thing I haven’t figured out yet is where the heck are my fuel gauges?

My navigator. His name is Harry Potter. Go figure. :wink:

Off the southern coast of England. Approaching a tiny, deserted island with which I’m practicing dropping bombs. Not accuracy mind you, just understanding how I can set the salvo and station modes for weapons. Bombs away.

Turning back towards England, just gone feet dry and heading back to base to see if I can actually use the proper engine parameters, speed parameters and proper use of flaps control.

Went lower and in the weeds and gave the Sunday church goers a thrill.

In for the landing back at base. Did a proper landing circuit, checked all engine parameters were on spot. Proper speeds maintained. Adjusted throttle and pitch control when needed. Also, made sure to use my landing lights as one should. Successful landing. Squadron commander was most pleased. Says I may be going out on a mission soon.


Oh…and I finally found the fuel gauges. :slight_smile:



Flew my first “Pilot Career” mission with the Mosquito tonight. I’m flying as the Polish 305th Squadron under the command of the RAF. According to the Squadron history in IL-2, the 305th were Polish bomber pilots who escaped Poland when it went down under the Germans and made their way to England to fly with the RAF. According to IL-2 history, they first flew obsolete Fairy Battle aircraft but were re-equipped with Vickers Wellington bombers in 1940. Later, around 1943 they were equipped with and flew North American Mitchell bombers.

They specialized in night bombing missions.

Then in February of 1944, they were equipped and flew for the rest of the war with the famous Mosquito bomber which I am flying here.

I’m half Polish on my mother’s side. My great grandfather on my mother’s side came from Krakow, Poland.

With the help of my experienced and trusty navigator, I was able to make my way to the target German airfield and I put some large craters right smack down the middle of the main runway. Made it back to base safely. Some screenshots below.


Started yet another “Pilot Career” in IL-2. This one I’m flying as a bomber pilot for Imperial Germany during WW1. Some quick pics of me and my flight taking out some key installations of a British airfield. I hit some storage houses on the airfield while my flight mates hit some AAA and other infrastructure. My rear gunner was spraying the airfield with machine gun fire.

The burning buildings in the upper right of the picture are the targets I had hit during my bombing run.

Running from the chaos in order to join back up with my flight just ahead as we return to our airbase.


Screenshots of my ill fated pass.
The icons are on because I took the screenshots from a track recording.

See a short YouTube video of the pass in this post.



Had to resort to external view to find the BF-109. The 109 was flying in and out of the clouds at about 10,000 feet and I was the one throwing a contrail at about 26,000 feet. I circled around long enough for the 109 to latch on to me and start climbing up to my altitude. I expected the 109 and his wingman but when two 190’s came up too I was not ready for a 4 on 1 engagement. :scream:



Buzzing the XO.



Moments from total disaster.



About time to ride the silk elevator…!


I was unconscious at that particular moment in the screenshot. I did however get out in time, just barely.

I was well below 500 feet going close to 300 mph when I got hit initially and that hit knocked me out. With me knocked out I zoom climbed to about 2,000 feet which caused all the guns near me to open fire. Watching the replay it looks like I am the duck in a shooting gallery of duck hunters during the first hunt of the season and the only duck still in the air.

Apparently the fireball and smoke trail I was leaving put on a pretty good show for the rest of my squadron since they were at least 10 to 15 km from my location when I got hit and they commented on it.



Close call !!!

There were 6 Player flown enemy aircraft searching for me and I could not believe that none of them saw me. The IL-2 in this screenshot was the one that flew the closest to me but it was a tense 10 minutes of them flying over and all around me before they finally gave up looking for me. I am guessing that they thought I had spawned out.

There were also two Player manned T-34 tanks in the area looking for me too. Of which one finally got me with about three minutes left in the session. I got off the first shot at him and missed but he did not have as poor aim. :dizzy_face:



The truck driver decided abandoning his truck was a pretty good idea.



My IRFC squadmate, Artun, made this. I am not the most objective judge but I think he’s achieved something quite great.


Why does the name Artun ring a bell?
Stunning video anyways. Truly stunning.

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Not sure unless you are active on IL2:Flying Circus. He has taken our old squad (which I rarely participate with anymore) and has made it one of the most active in the game. The attention to detail from Artun and other creative members of the squad, like bbob and Eccho, is unmatched in Flying Circus right now.