Holy crap! Big update to Day of Infamy! Thanks for the heads up saghen …
I’ll add the two new maps and the “Raid” coop mode into the rotation for Saturday night.
Some updates to Insurgency too which, after reading the list, make me want to test the 16 player theater one more time …
so expect a quick 16 player theater test at the beginning of IFF (Insurgency Friday Fights).
As usual, 9pm EST Friday and Saturday on teampspeak.mudspike.com
As reminded to me by chipwich’s unbelievable new bandwidth post, Hear me now and believe my Internet speed later, I’ve been looking into getting a 1Gb fiber optic line directly to my house as well. I already have “partial” fibre optic service with my current ISP … just not DIRECTLY TO MY FRIGGIN’ HOUSE!
EDIT - reviewed some server settings for IFF and we’ll now call it the “dirty dozen” server.
EDIT - also REALLY nice to see “no fly zones” in red on the tacmap … it highlights the current AO really nice.