Me again =) Another big step forward in the soaring community, thanks to Ian “B21” Lewis we get a full pack of precisely working gauges in our DG808S add-on. Even if the 3D model is still in legacy format, flight model and instruments converted into modern form and fully working now.
By NewkTV’s advice, we were able to make it work in VR mode (even if in limited form), and also made installer work without Flight Simulator X assets, so everyone will be able to have it now!
Take it, discover the world in solo flight, or enjoy the freedom with your friends. And don’t forget to get Kinetic Assistant, a must-have util for the glider pilot.
When you mention that VR is in limited form, do you mean limited visually (as you explain on your website) or limited also functionally?
And since I have you on the line let me ask you also two other things:
How did you make it possible to distribute also the original FSX files inside the package? Don’t the Game Content Usage Rules apply in this case? I am a bit confused.
When using your MSFS Legacy Converter, no matter how much I try I am not able to get the FSX DHC-2 Beaver work, as I am getting just white textures instead of gauges (tried various options under the Panel tab; the steam gauges are in cab format so they should work; radios are in dll so I do not expect them to work). Have you tried yourself? Any idea what might be wrong?
Thank. I appreciate your contribution to this community.
to make VR work, player have to choose special VR livery. it works fine for him, but has some exterior issues - missing polygons in several places, no animation for the landing gear. And these issues other players will see in multiplayer game.
We have used mentioned rules, as it allow to re-release modded content, only if it will be for free, not published on any marketplace (even for free), will not contain sound files or any reverse engineered content. In exchange they can take out work and include into the game for free. So we are good. With same conditions Goose Redux 2 was released for MSFS lately.
Half of the FSX default planes uses DLL gauges. They are compiled C++ scripts that can’t be easily extracted, so ignored both by game and importer. So only option you have - replace gauges of this aircraft by something taken from another aircraft. It is possible to do one-by-one and worth to try if you really want to have this aircraft for some reason.
Regarding the GCU Rules, I am still a bit unsure as I was of the opinion that dismantling an asset (aircraft from FSX), using its parts and adapting to a new engine includes reverse engineering practices (ref for instance here).
But I may be wrong.
Anyhow, thanks for your MSFS Legacy Converter which is an impressive piece of software. I learnt new stuff with it and am using it just for my personal use.
I also got it. The price is fair enough and visually looks great.
About systems is a nice airplane that even have IFR capability.
Sadly as some Carenado aircraft on release, it have some not watched bugs on systems. The HSI bug not works as should. I hope they fix it asap.
Overall its a nice and fun aircraft to do some countryside flights without AP
Couldn’t try it in VR yet, but the flight model of the DG808 is a lot better now.
I am a terrible glider pilot, but this is fun now!
I have not yet figured out the winch settings for it though. Any suggestions?
(Using kinetic assistant 0.5)
I set it to 50knots. I am very slow initially and then suddenly the plane gets dangerously fast even though I am in a steep angle. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
maybe you should try to adjust tension value, set it lower so rope will not act as a rubber.
tension calculation quite simple, more mathematical rather than physical, so it does not always act predictable.
from the tests I have made so far I can tell that you always need to hold rope tension at medium level, if you feel that winch not pulling you - raise the nose for a bit until you see that it started to pull you again, then lower nose back. if you loose this moment - you will slowdown too much and be pulled twice harder next time.
I picked this one up tonight. It’s great to fly in VR, but yes, there is a lot that is off with the takeoff. Also, the DG and compass don’t seem to be working. For $15 it’s a good airplane to add to your hangar, but it needs some more work from Carenado. I’m a little surprised that they would release it with these obvious issues though.
Not to change the subject but I was curious if anyone has had an issue with this:
Hope the outside link is OK.
I came across this looking at some replacement scenery for those odd looking New York bridges. The scenery looks good but don’t want to jack up my install with conflicting scenery files.
Neil’s Tours UK Farm Strips Vol 7. I did notice they went on sale - volumes 1-4 over Christmas - so I might wait until a whole gaggle of them go on sale, pick them up, and then take a tour of the UK.
I picked that package up. I’d say it is well worth it if you like flying into small airstrips. Half the challenge is finding them. The author has done a nice job, and the airfields are very fps friendly. Great for VR!
I see he notes in the Vol 7 version that he decided to add NDBs to the fields (not sure if he is going back to add them to other packages)… So in a pinch that would be a nice feature. Good to see NDBs being used for something!
To call this and the ICP Savannah ugly is to slightly miss the point of the design. It was designed from the ground up to be the ultimate STOL aircraft (failed at that) the broad side of the plane is to aid in immense slip potential. Excellent aircraft.
I haven’t seen any issues with CTDs (YET!)…but with the number of scenery packages I have, I’d be very surprised if I didn’t run up against this problem soon. I’ve been in a bit of a “collecting” mode rather than a “flying” mode lately…haha…so we’ll see. I do hope we see a good bit of standardization with regards to scenery design, libraries, things of that nature. MSFS allowing for the Wild West has both its advantages and disadvantages, but I think it tilts heavily to being great for us as far as customization and tweaking…
Did some more soaring using the kinetic assistant today.
I am almost in control of the winch right now, except that if I wait for auto-release I am almost certain to end up doing an immelmann turn.
I then tried the thermals.
They don’t seem to work at all for me.
I used Little Navmap for creating them, and followed the tutorial. Kinetic Assistant seems to load them fine (the display says “10 thermals loaded”).
Enabling disableing them is kinda wonky. Half of the time when I press the key (I use the strobe light key, “o”) it does nothing, and if I continue hammering that key it displays “disabled”, then “enabled”, then “disabled” again.
Even if it stops at “enabled” there are no thermals it seems.
I even tried to give them some more extreme values in case they were just weak and I missed them. No joy.
Here is one of the lines from my CSV: Location,thermal,49.81046,8.62854,3000,1.16750,0.5 25,250,2021-01-17T17:24:50.349,
That altitude, as far as I understood this is the “middle” of the thermal.
But where would it actually start? At ground level?
Is that altitude AGL or MSL?
EDIT: It were still some fun flights. Just in case the thermals don’t work I used conditions that created some nice ridge lift.
His interpretation of what is a farm strip continues to be very different to mine. Royal Air Force Halton has been a military airfield since WW1, albeit a grass one. East Fortune is a former military airfield and home to the Scottish Aviation Museum. Newcastle is of course a major regional and international airport.