MSFS - Add-ons and Releases thread

I wonder how that would work for this Reno type racing? The beta was pretty locked down, in that it was a stand-alone install of 17 GB, which was essentially a stripped down MSFS, where all you could do with pick a race and aircraft class, and then get in a ‘Lobby’. There was a qualification lap to decide placing. As you raced around your crew chief spoke in the headset ‘Get him in the inside!’ etc. I think it might be a fixed ‘mode’ the game goes into if you have the DLC, so not even something you enter via the World Map. Not sure, but not long to wait to find out.

I actually prefer the idea of a point to point race, where people all use similar class aircraft and then the weather and flying strategy sort of comes into play. Sort of like sailing races but for aircraft, where the weather and decisions around that come into play. That could be fun.

EDIT: Here’s a full video of the beta that explains it better:


I would like to see a Red Bull Air Race add on… :slight_smile:

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Was it fsx that had red bull air races? I forget, but I remember it being really good fun.

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Yeah, FSX had a track or two, I believe…

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What they need to do is a Search & Rescue DLC. :ambulance:

The Helos are early next year, so I guess they are next focus. One good thing about this Racing DLC was that it improved the Multiplayer net code, introduced in-flight turbulence between aircraft and added some nice ground effects like dust. It’s a bit like providing the Hornet in the GOTY edition, they seem to do things to move the sim platform forward (Mach flight etc) and then let others build off of it.


Something like the SAR series… Had a lot of fun with SAR 4 Coastal Heroes.


In the meantime we have NeoFly, which lets you do medical and SAR missions. Highly recommended if you are looking for that kind of flying. I flew about 60 miles offshore yesterday in the Widgeon on a SAR mission. You enter the area and start a search pattern. There is a ‘beacon’ that gives audible beeps. They get closer together as you get closer to the target. They pop smoke too!


Sounds fun!

It’s pretty neat…not a hardcore simulation of SAR Ops, but fun. There is rudimentary fire fighting too.

Hmmmm… Just realized not everyone knew about how to get this pack with all these AI liveries. Just a heads up, and apologies if already posted/mentioned!


It works ok. Adds quite a bit of time to the sim startup, as it parses all those ivao files. Hoping the upcoming Simple Traffic does this job a bit lighter.

I actually can’t say I noticed any type of increase.

I’ll pay more attention.

In the meanwhile, the reason I will probably stuck with these is that the default AI models that simple traffic will use are… fugly. :poop: :sweat_smile:

I think this one had a lot of the models / liveries removed on request of AIG, so pretty much we’re just left with an airbus 320 (there’s a few still in there, mainly just the Boeings got taken out, along with the small jets). It does look nicer than the AI traffic one (especially that awful nose)

So I get racing (particularly oval/circle) is not everyone’s cup of tea, either in the air or on the ground. I think for the majority of pilots/drivers, circle track (or aerial oval), is all about close calls. For me there is very little like the adrenaline rush of hurtling around an oval at speeds well into the “this is going to really hurt” range with inches between you an another vehicle. The shear concentration it takes to be competitive is exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. I can imagine doing it in airplane, where any contact will be basically a death sentence, even more so. Sim’ing looses a lot of that, until you get good enough to be competitive then it can regain some of that exhilaration.



If the Winston Bridge in County Durham isn’t in MSFS, it should be…


Piece of Cake!

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I’m pretty happy with the T-45, but after watching this video, most likely will pick up the JF Hawk.

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The Bridge is there, but just as a generic model…


Outrageous! I thought they had released the British landmarks…! :wink: