Yes, that’s what I read everywhere. To be honest, I think I will end-up buying the DC-6 at some point. My only worry is that if it really is so good, I will have a hard time to enjoy the other less deep / developed vintage aircraft
…and I have seen on some other forum that their Chippy is in the pipeline too
This aircraft was released in early access stage, but imho i think in a very finished status, the further features are very cool but not showstopper being not yet available in this start/current version.
A beta release of the AIG AI Manager and Traffic things. They were popular on P3D, and aim to do something similar - download flight plans, inject AI traffic with proper liveries etc.
Had a quick peek. A byzantine horror show of a UI to get through to set it up, but it’s free so it seems churlish to moan. If I get it to work (it needs an AVSIM forum login, so I’m practicing being angry about young people and their flippant attitudes and general lack of respect for their seniors, plus how about you get a hair cut and perhaps iron a shirt young man? etc) then I’ll report back.
Actually, I needed a AVSIM library card (not forum), and I just used your name and address for verification, so look out for a rolled parchment you’ll have to X when it arrives by horse before Hogsmead Day. (I’m kidding, it looks like I just needed to reactivate my old accounts).
I’ve OCI’d (One Click Installed, although it took about 198 clicks so far) and put these in, so just about to see if it works:
War story. Or pro tip…whatever the case. But personally, I ALWAYS have the taxiway chart/diagram open and on my lap (or on the panel if it has something like SafeTaxi installed) prior to keying up to ground control. Even at my home airport where I know just about every route to anywhere. It is a pet peeve of mine when the NFP keys up to call ground and doesn’t have the diagram up. Inevitably, they have no idea where we are going and we sound like sketchy newbs.