I’ve been keeping an eye on that for X-Plane…it is released. I’m in that limbo area now of which sim I want to drop that much money on. It is actually pretty hard to decide now.
Are the X-Plane makers committing to free aircraft upgrades when XP-12 drops? I’ve not been following it closely, but that would seem like a good idea. I certainly don’t miss keeping all that Ortho around, but I still go fly the Zibo 737 sometimes.
I haven’t been following it either. I’m still pretty content with my XP11 install…so I don’t necessarily have to jump ship to 12…
While XP took a lot of space for Ortho, MSFS isn’t exactly svelte anymore. My MSFS content folder is getting over 300 GB now. I just saw this as well:
So that’s another 20 GB just for a mesh down to 10m pointyness…(click through for pointy gifs)
Ortho will do that to you. I am very close to deleting XP11 from it’s dedicated SSD on my system. I haven’t flown the sim for more than about 10 minutes since December last year. I might get XP12 if my payware aircraft can be transferred across. Time will tell I guess.
… And that’s just the one folder.
I’m finding myself more and more annoyed with all the other folders and drives I’ve been finding MSFS stuff on.
Just, WHY??
My first thoughts on Connie, its ok!
I did a C&D start, taxiing, takeoff, some short flight and landing.
Flown ok, and have many nice features like the paper board in 3D panel to config many things on the aircraft, the shake of 3d cockpit, etc etc, what in this short first view i not liked much to see, is some disaligned textures and few gauges. Globally it looks very very good and looks a nice aircraft and nice immersion, but sometimes it looks some cakes of the “nailed it” tv series…
Its far away from a A2A Connie and i not even expected it was, but i still like it, and looking forward to future patches/updates with new features.
I know the competition is strongly short, but PMDG DC6 is miles away in nr1 and this one (as another 4 prop liner) in nr2…
As much as I’d love the A2A Connie, I know that will be a while. Shame to hear it’s behind the DC6 by a ways, as I prefer the Connie. Hmm decisions decisions
A perfect storm of MS Store publishing requirements, online content and having to be an UWP app for Xbox compatibility.
Remember Games for Windows Live? Microsoft have a knack for designing PC gaming platforms where it seems they’ve never actually played a game.
I have to agree with Stavka… the problem here is that PMDG set the bar very high with the DC6. I have high hopes for the Connie. It is still some way from being complete. It isn’t bad though and there is a lot to like about it…it’s just that the DC6 is a masterpiece. I have no regrets buying the Connie though. Considering that the aircraft was developed by a team of just 3 people, it’s pretty incredible.
Anyway, if you can swing it for both, then get both. If it is a case of one or the other then I would steer you towards the DC6.
Have I mentioned that the Xmas flight is always murder on my wallet. That shall continue for the foreseeable future lol
Fun fact: the only airliner I ever enjoyed flying in a sim was the Lockheed Starliner (pretty good freeware) for FSX.
I have no idea why, but flying that old thing from Frankfurt to New York via Shannon and Gander was… magnificent.
So I am very interested in the Connie. I don’t fly planes that big usually (a Citation X or Challenger 300 is basically my upper limit), but this… this is different.
Oh yeah!
V-tail and tip tanks!
For the Connie early access virtual pilots, they released today a smoke patch here:
Can’t have a Connie without smoke, and fire coming out of the exhausts!
Hehe, I was going to say, is that to start it smoking, or to stop it smoking?
For MSFS there will probably be a free one, any second now…