MSFS - Add-ons and Releases thread

Sure you own a long pencil. But how about a longer pencil for a bit more money?

The CRJ 700 is one of my favorites in MSFS, it feels very snug in VR. A bit longer range would be nice I guess…


I’d kind like to see the old school Embraer 135 with the Primus 1000…just because I’m partial to that avionics package…

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Flight testing the Connie at Cusco (I was going to use it for my next leg on the Christmas Trek)… I discovered it can’t climb above about 16000ft. That doesn’t work too well in that part of the world!

Reading through the manual, I found a note in the performance section:
L-1049 used 115/145 HIGH OCTANE AVGAS in the 50’s and 60’s - TODAY IN MSFS 2020 ONLY OCTANE 100 is available so performances are not optimized."

The service ceiling with 100LL is shown as 12000ft AMSL.

Something to keep in mind if you plan to buy this airplane. The joys of early access I guess.


Yeah that could be a problem in some parts of the world. The plane is supposed to fly almost twice as high. (24,000ft was cruise altitude IIRC, 25,000ft or so was the service ceiling).

Please, report that in their discord server. They can fix that having some options in the board panel in the left side.

Looks like they are giving up on some of the weird MS Store things at least:

Interesting. The octane I wouldn’t expect to have anything to do with the ceiling, that’s a function of the amount of air the super chargers can shove into the cylinder. Also plenty of warbirds in MSFS were optimized for the high lead stuff, and will easily do FL300. Thanks for finding that out, I think I’m going to hold off for a while till they get this one sorted out a bit more.

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I would highly recommend that you pick up the DC6, and then maybe the Connie in a few months maybe. The nice thing is that a lot of what you learn for the DC6 is directly transferable to the Connie. They both shared similar technology and procedures.


So, after reading a post by someone who managed to get the Connie up into the 20’s with no problem, it seems the secret is to just lean the mixtures right back to just a bit above cutout. If you do that, it has ample power to keep climbing…you don’t even have to bother with the superchargers, which solves another problem because the superchargers were causing massive fps slowdowns after awhile (known bug). It is nice to have a work around, but RedWing definitely has some work to do in this department.


Well… Its out…


Simple Traffic appeals to me since it uses KISS methodology. That is minimal settings and works with the built-in AI traffic and a/c models. It doesn’t need a lot of babysitting. I mean, I’ve got the Mosquito to learn, after I’m done with the Tomcat :smile: For someone with more time to devote to MSFS, it’s probably not deep enough.


I love these things, not sure why, so will pick this up as well. With MSFS when the weather, ATC and traffic all work together it just makes a flight more interesting. I don’t like flying in empty skies, although if I was more piloty then I could see why having to deal with fake/bad ATC would be annoying.

I’m finding AIG’s freeware still pretty good. Once set up and a few airlines downloaded then you don’t need to run it again, MSFS will use it for its live traffic. The AIG Traffic Manager is a bit better for making traffic than MSFS so far, but that will change over time I’d guess.




In real world flying, birds present a unique and dynamic challenge that pilots must always avoid. Each year, in the United States alone, thousands of aircraft encounter bird strikes that account for millions of dollars worth of damages. Pilots must be vigilant in the low altitude environment to avoid hitting birds, and many times evasive maneuvers must be taken. Add a unique challenge and increase your simulator’s realism by using FS Birds!

FS Birds Northeast USA Features:

-Bird coverage for the entire area of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine

-Multiple types of birds including pigeons, buzzards, eagles, seagulls, and geese

-All birds are fully animated

-Flying birds range in altitudes from the surface up to 11,000 ft with random flight tracks

-Ground birds at all major international airports

-Flying bird animations include soaring raptors, circling seagulls, formation geese, random pigeon flights, and soaring eagles

-LOD optimization results in a negligible impact on simulator frame rates


Is that guy in the video drunk?


Not sure, but I certainly feel like drinking now after watching 30 seconds of that.


Yeah… Not all youtubers know their limitations.
But birds in the sim. Why not? It is indeed a threat to safety, but also rather nice to watch a huge flock of seagulls lift below you, and a big V of migrating geese in the distance. But…that addon seem to add more random birds, or?


You and I have a very different view of what is ‘nice’ in this case :rofl:.


As long as they keep their distance, of course…! :wink: