MSFS - Add-ons and Releases thread

That was it. I had both forgotten that the speed brakes on the Superbug are in a different spot that the Legacy and that MSFS refers to them as spoilers.

FWIW, this is what I’m using for Sensitivity settings for my Virpil CM2 stick with curved extension. Seems to work a little better than the default settings, which were probably designed for a desktop stick without an extension.

Edit: I forgot to add that with the new Nvidia drivers and OpenXR update, the VR experience seems to be smoother. Have not compared FPS and perhaps it’s a placebo effect, but overall everything in VR feels more integrated.


Holy cow, Reno is cool. The whole race experience is well done. The only thing I don’t like is the invisible ‘hand’ placing you back on track after a collision. It should be game over if that happens, or so screams my simmer heart. :grinning:

Otherwise its great fun and pretty intense in VR!

Now the question is what makes you fly fastest? Smooth inputs, altitude control and tight cornering I reckon.


Be careful when you fly in Reno.

You know, some of those racers are former fighter planes. Someone might still be armed!

I once heard someone say
“I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.”

Must have been an annoyed air racer.


That counts as well :+1:

I only wonder whether there is a limit to it :thinking:

How are the warbirds?

I’d feel the same about the Mustangs and the Texan, but if the cockpits are entirely modern I’d be inclined to wait for a dedicated historical release.

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The Super Hornet is a nice addition to MSFS, also HUD displays are now properly collimated.


Has anyone else’s TrackIR no longer working after the update?

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It was mentioned in the release notes as a bit bust, not sure when it’s getting patched but it’s a known issue. Some workarounds and a place to ‘vote’ for some urgency.


Talking of SU7 bugs, it seems like the new weather that uses the METARs seems to mix up MSL and ASL readings - meaning we’re going to see a lot of ground fog…

They also take a METAR’s ‘10SM’ a bit too literally, at least for US weather reports…

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Open your camera options from this icon menu in the top and there you can re-enable your TIR.


Watching a Seven time winner may give you an insight or two.


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Thanks for that!

I did find that setting. But it randomly shuts itself off.

Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.

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Each of the aircraft are just a little bit different…no two are the same.
As for how they fly, I found the P51’s to be pretty tame tbh. Also, they seem to be a bit ‘lite’ when it comes to systems. The canopies don’t open etc etc…but they are perfect for running around the course at Reno.

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Thanks for that!

I agree with the others: the aircraft themselves are typical defaults; light on technical fidelity unfortunately.
What would make the Reno expansion even more awesome is if we could create custom races, for example locking everyone into a FlyingIron bird on full realism.

But for a quick and fun thrillride the birds work in Reno default. I like the module.

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EDTracker works without issues… but the ‘random shuts’ I experience with W&B screen and weather screen, it tends to reset after little while if I dont click that fly button in time - but iirc that was same also before the patch

btw regarding the planes and system modelling. installed NeoFly, because it not only generates some missions to add the purpose to sightseeing but also adds obvious flight monitoring but with tracking of your airplane handling (amount of bank and pitch…), it can do some failures modelling and it rates your landings… (at least thats what I grasped so far)

with all that said how hard it would be to program general external app which could do the ‘system modelling’ from outside for any plane? like in the NeoFly or AirHauler (where you tweak the params of planes like range and fuel consumption…) you will tweak the system limitations of each default or imported plane and you will set by the POH things like overspeed, overtorque, overtemperature and maybe duration of it which will lead to % of damage of the plane. plus that app could do the repairs and stuff…

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it looks to me like completely different sim - take off like from Novorossiysk and HUD refresh rate like in Tomcat :wink: :+1:

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ASOBO decided to hold all carriers-related stuff for TOP-GUN movie premiere. So no carriers, no even basic catapult/arrestors functionality for Hornet. However, work is started - new hotkeys added, cockpit switches and launchbar/tailhook are animated. It gives opportunity to finish the job by adding custom scripts for carriers operations with no model changes. Which I took on beta testing stage, with help of other dev folks we are making somehow detailed carrier with catapult, crew and detailed arrestor strings catch calculation. It will be freeware solution suitable for any other carrier, or even for runway training.
First release in the middle of next week I hope. Currently payware carriers are all about visuals rather than accurate simulation, so you have a reason to wait for a while.


Thanks thealx. Do you know if future carriers will be able to move? Having them static is quite the buzz kill compared to move around on a schedule.


nope have no idea. moving vessel velocity compensation not so hard task, but they may decide to make it static just to simplify landing process (i.e. like normal runway with arrestors).

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Not sure if this is related or a meteorological occurrence that I haven’t witnessed before, but yesterday while flying the Porter from Bryce Canyon to Grand Canyon airports (highly recommended), the Grand Canyon was full of low clouds or fog. Was simply stunning. I hope that I remembered to take a screenshot.

In other news, things that are broken in VR with SU7:

  1. The menu bar is not clickable.
  2. Exiting VR with CTRL-Tab crashes VR. For me, forcing the latest OXR runtime preview fixes this. Others say that it doesn’t.
  3. Items in the ATC window are not mouse clickable.