MSFS - Add-ons and Releases thread

Interesting. I was flying to La Paz with live weather and there was not so much as a cloud.

The nearby METARs were calling at least 17 SCT or BKN.


This is excellent news. To my post in the MSFS official forum about the T-45C’s HUD not working after SU7, CromUK replied:

If you have FB follow the developer there IndiaFoxTecho.

They posted a state of play straight after the release of SU7 for their existing and incoming planes.

They wrote:


SU7 broke the visibility of the HUD… on the good side, the fix is easy and we think we can now make it collimated.
We plane to release an update which will also enable compatibility with our future USS Gerald Ford (which will have a specific T-45C Carrier Qual variant), improve the flight model and add some other features. PROJECTED RELEASE DATE: WEEK 47/48"


Great to hear. Sounds like we can look forward to some nice improvements to the Goshawk. Talking of which, there was a T-45 parked on the ramp when I arrived at the airport (KAUS) yesterday morning.

It would have been fun to have taken it for a spin. :rofl:


Anyone else notice the thrust reverser key assignment seems to not be generating expected results (ie engaging the reverser)? I need to try unbinding rebinding, just noticed it at the end of a flight yesterday.

The thrust reverser now requires you to not move the throttle axis. As soon as you move the axis it deactivates. That sucks.

Ah, good to know, that is exceedingly weird logic. I shall give that a go this evening.

The workaround until they fix it is to hit Ctrl + 0 to put it in a fixed view, and then do the VR menu and any VR window clicks.

I can’t get the CTRL+0 thingy to work. Do you happen to know the steps for dummies?

It might depend on the aircraft, and I think Ctrl + 0 (not the one on the numpad, the above the letters one) activates the first ‘Instrument View’. You could try Ctrl + other number keys, or see what Instrument View is bound for you.

The other way is that there’s a new setting in General / Camera called ‘Home Cockpit’ that I think you can toggle ‘On’ and the toolbar will then work - haven’t tried that myself, as I just do the Ctrl+0 once and for me it’s ok.

Some other workarounds and much gnashing of teeth here:


Looks like the A22X :canada: is on the way. Going to be a partnership with the FBW team, and it comes in their installer, which seems sensible.

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Another pointy nose to MSFS:

I liked much their Fiat, so this one is a must to have to me :slight_smile:


I have the FSX version, very solid and fun mod. I’ve got about 5 different new AC in hanger I need to wring out, but I’ll be adding this one after I get that done.

I’ll also be adding this one as soon as I get home… it looks great. It will be next weekend before I get to fly it though.


looks almost perfect :slight_smile: I always wanted to add their FSX version to my hangar but I was already xplane convert… so the only hope left was that the nice XP9 version of 104 would be converted to XP11, but never happened

review still online, @BeachAV8R can add some first hand memoires :slight_smile:

…just noticed the date

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Oh yeah, I knew I was going to be powerless to avoid this!

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Possible PMDG 737 before Xmas :christmas_tree:. They are starting to release more pics, including this one:


I had pretty much made up my mind that I wouldn’t be buying the PMDG 73 but having seen the recent cockpit shots, I have to admit that my resolve is weakening. Probably not a great surprise to my friends here, but I’m still in denial that I have a problem :wink: .


I wanted to write something funny but I guess nobody at this point cares about their unreleased DC6 for XP11 :wink:

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I have to admit I was very disappointed when no XP11 version of the DC6 materialized. I think that PMDG jumped into the X-Plane arena one version too early and were disappointed by the sales. XP11 would have been much more successful but once bitten, twice shy I guess.


The answer is probably going to be money? Yep, it’s money. They love it. :money_mouth_face:

According to Randazzo, the DC6 for MSFS outsold its entire life sales history of the DC6 for all of FSX + P3D + XP, within hours of its release

It’s an interesting interview actually, and worth a listen. PMDG talking about how the market was too stuck in its ways and slowly dying as it aged out, and that for sims to survive we need to attract new people and even (gasp!) gamers…