MSFS - Add-ons and Releases thread

PMDG not migrate DC6 from xp10 to xp11 to not damage the xp11 disgrace: “XP11 will never have a decent and well done 4 prop engine aircraft” :rage:

Seems like I’ve been hearing this for a long time now. Likely it’s still true, too.

Only about 10% will be interested in something this complex (relatively speaking) and expensive.

I just tried MSFS 2020 again after about 8 months. Latest updates and all. Still not usable in VR. But it has good scenery!

Hard to imagine my [arriving tomorrow!!!] 3080Ti even managing smooth, inverted, High-Speed, High-G, flight. But I’ll see soon enough. And I miss the haptic feedback, a lot (have to see if it’s supported).

Unplugged wondering just how they can make that run on an X-Box, even in 2D. And I think I like DCS’s clouds better, slightly.


The point is that it’s there if people want it. About 2.5 million base sales and 18 million people on Game Pass. Even 10% of that is good eating.

Sometimes I get the impression people would prefer the hobby to die with them. Change is hard and often not welcomed.


Yep, agreed.

And that 10% will always be around. In a lot of ways the hardcore side is better now than 30 years ago. I just have to pay more and/or wait longer, etc

For what it’s worth, in the linked interview the head of PMDG was saying the exact opposite - because they have a larger market then they plan to sell for less and be able to produce more in the same time on the new platform. The 73x might be $140 on P3D but be $60 on MSFS, just because they can sell more. They are hiring as fast as they can because they want to speed up how many things they make. If someone wants to study the DC-6 POH and then play on a $300 Xbox S with the exact same product that comes on the PC then they can - that grows the hobby. It seems to be debatable as if this is a good thing or not. It reminds me of the saying ‘No-one hates Star Wars as much as the Star Wars fans’. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I listened. Economy of scale and all that. I, sincerely, hope he’s correct. Good for the hobby is, well, good for the hobby. Trickle-down Hobby-nomic’s sorta thing :wink:

Made me think again (this thought has skipped through my head before) about my recent purchase; did I just spend way too much on a life support system for my HOTAS (Throttle/stick/pedals/button-boxes)?

Take care, brother.

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Now lets see how the Xboxers respond…

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From the FBW Discord

Working Title Simulations #wt-news


— Today at 10:33 AM

@everyone We just updated the WT CJ4 to 0.12.10

This release contains fixes for some issues that came up after MSFS Sim Update 7.

Get it here

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(sorry I know we’re going OT) I think MSFS has plenty of room for gamers, in fact the online game is already stacked with them. What’s key is that they market it well and they seem to have done that with Reno Racing for one, but there’s so much more fun to be had. Imagine gliders in the game, stick on a few Red Bull stickers and next thing glider racing could be huge - it’s all about the marketing. You or I won’t be bothered by it in our study level D at home simulators because we’ll never seen them. We’re simply sharing a platform. I think the beauty of MSFS is that it’s designed for both and everything in between. The sim is finally starting to take shape! There’s never been a better time to be an FS geek! Now… if only DCS would announce an F4 Phantom everything would be right in the FS world! see, there’s always something


F4 and Tornado! don’t miss the Tornado!!!


Precisely this. And how many of us (myself included) started way back in the days of FS 3 or older, yanking and banking on the Learjet over Chicago, before starting to get curious about what else was available, and starting to take the time to learn it?

Today’s Xbox Reno air racer could very easily be tomorrow’s Mudspike Christmas Flight finisher.


A fun comparison :slight_smile:


OMG just imagine a Tornado in DCS… at night in the hills and valleys

Semi-evil of me to rubber-neck this, but the first issues are coming in from the new Xbox owners on the PMDG forums. How will it go - I can’t look away? :wink:

eating popcorn GIF by Captain Obvious


Strange lurker here, I’ll be the first to admit. As a 40-year-long flight sim fanatic and a 45 year off and on “gamer” I feel like setting up silos between the two misses the mark. Through whatever the device, people come to MSFS for the same reasons they always have: to scratch a love of and a curiosity for flight. I would almost prefer an xbox controller to a HOTAS for general flying, and certainly for acro, but for the small problem that the throttle centering spring cannot be easily disabled.


Funny, huh? PMDG don’t think so


Not so much ‘funny ha ha’, I mean more just to see the culture clash for the first time of PMDG and people finding something to buy on the Xbox marketplace.

I think MSFS has a release quality problem. Their release process is very complex, because of the mix of online services, the issue of most PCs being widely different and sims just being hard/in depth, but they haven’t nailed it as yet. They have a pipeline all set up for game releases but very few people who would know/care about a transition altitude or how a DC-6 gust lock works. It’s growing pains for sure.

It might need some disasters to sort stuff out, as they aren’t there yet.


Ooof, I feel bad for those guys- from the comments in that thread they were obviously excited to fly the DC-6, but it sounds like they’re at least being patient so far, and acknowledging where the likely culprit is.

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SU7 Bugs & Workarounds video.

The DC-6 issue is crazy - it looks like the Xbox release testing didn’t involve flying it, or clicking any controls?


Sometimes the release process itself can mess up a product that was tested thoroughly and perfectly fine. It’s really embarrassing. And it happens more often since software is signed and and release pipelines get more complicated in general.

Why you heff to be mad? It’s just a game :slight_smile:

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