There is a selection of different cargo types, including Blackhawk helicopters and a truck.
I spotted a OH-6 from MScenery, in the MSFS Marketplace. Interior looked a bit bland, in the screenshots, so I thought I’d google it… Glad I did!
You may have come across the free Restauravia Nord 3400. It’s been very well done - I used to fly it in FSX around the PNG strips with Air Hauler, but in that sim the panel was a flat 2D thing and they’ve done an excellent job of embellishing it out to an excellent 3D panel, with appropriate sounds. In fact, the engine sound drowned me out!
I think I stumbled upon other products of that developer, among them an A-10 and an A-4, and I think all of them are that bad.
MScenery’s strategy seems to be “first!”. If your version is the only one then a few people will buy it.
@Johnny , it’s a nice rendition of Edwards that I picked up at
Mmmmmm, so many dials in that cockpit!
I really hope they do their other French stuff for FS that they had in FSX. Their Etendard was outstanding, especially for freeware, and they did several different Mirage models too (the IIIB was especially good - and in VR), and a nice MS760 Parisjet. Their Fouga Magister is already updated.
Tempting because I loved the MiG 15 in DCS….
Bought the Caribou yesterday and did a quick bit of testing.
Anyone else not able to use the rudder?**
**this was a controller issue - though the controller shows up in sims and the windows cpl, I still have to replug it to actually get any input. Seems like it’s a manufacturing fault but as it’s Chinese and the people I bought it from have shown themselves to be less than honest, I’m stuck with it.
'Scuse the VR controller image…
Had their FSX version and yes, it was very good, so I expect this one will be as well.
Re MiG-15…
… the price went down from approx 40 euro at release to 25 euro currently.
Why do I feel much more tempted now?
Out of curiosity I picked up the Flying Flea.
It’s a simple aircraft mechanically but because you only have elevator (kind of) and rudder, she’s quite ‘interesting’ to fly, and especially land. Add a bit of a crosswind and things get quite exciting.
The Flea is a very small aircraft. The upper/forward wing tilts, giving you pitch control. Left and right on the stick controls the rather large rudder.
Some nice detail on the engine and prop…
The panel is very basic, but certainly adequate for the type of flying the aircraft is designed for.
Making smooth turns requires some finesse. She kind of skids around as you would expect when just using the rudder.
The Flea can’t handle much of a crosswind, but with practice you can ‘kick’ the nose straight just before touchdown…timing is everything though.
There are several different versions of the Flea that come in the package, with different engines, and gear configurations.
So, yes, it’s simple, slow and quirky but I kind of like it. Unlike a Piper Cub than can just barely kill you (if you try really hard), the Flying Flea have no problem doing that if you don’t pay attention.
Early on in my flying career I decided that it was an aeroplane I would not ever fly if given the opportunity
The all moving wing makes transporting one a complete headache
It has to be moved in reverse or the wing makes so much lift it tries to lift off and damages itself on the restraining straps.
It was quite deadly IRL too…
The fact that both the forward and aft wings produce lift, makes it longitudinally unstable.
Its really quite disconcerting to watch in the mirror on a hilux.
Turning it around on the side of the motorway, more so