Lol, even when I fly a combat sim I get just as much enjoyment watching other Players from the outside views. They do some really interesting things.
Lol, even when I fly a combat sim I get just as much enjoyment watching other Players from the outside views. They do some really interesting things.
I saw Boomerang for a brief minute…
I landed on the west coast server and switched to East to see if I could see you and I could, I’ll be back on in a few.
I’m curious, do you see me as boomerang10? Or boomerang10 with a ton of numbers after?
Hmm…I’m not sure which… I’ll be back on in a bit - I’ve got to run and pick up the boy from school…!
I’m in! Took me a bit to figure out MP, though just a tad too late, I’ll see you all tonight though!
@fearlessfrog what server is everyone on? I am on EU west but I think that that is why I do not see any mudspike friends!
Yep, I’m on USA West. Do the ‘Add Friend’ bit from above and I think it lists the server. (EDIT: Yep, if you click on someone in your friend list it will show their server. I think Add Group puts us on the same server
Also, @Chaz - oops
I’m off to get breakfast but will be back on later. This sim is going to get a lot of people mad if we keep having fun like this.
Cheers, it is fun so far!
I am also impressed by performance. Put everything on medium, Vsync off and turned AA to the fastest option and my RX580 and i5 2500k are happily chugging along! Though the i5 is overclocked to 4.4ghz which is a must for such an old CPU.
Still waiting to join (looks like another hour…or three…for that last 12 GB to come in)…
QUESTION. I guess I was drinking when I initially signed up for my XBox thing a few years ago cuzz my ‘handle’ is, well, odd (I assume that’s what will show up on the label in MP). How to change this?
When signed in to Xbox Live you can go here and update it. I’m not sure how many times you can do it, but probably not a lot:
Also, you can use the Win10 Xbox local app, to go to your Settings / Profile and customize it from there.
I’ll be back on in about an hour. Still in the process of picking up kids (or COVID)…
Who knew that XBoneADonkey would not age well??
I just don’t recall ever doing it. Guess I did when I installed Win10 way back - it groused about my email as already being used (meaning I did set it up at one time) so I did the PW reset thing and it comes back with some strange UN. At first I thought it has crossed its wires and think’s I’m someone else (it happens). Anyway, thanks.
I changed my xbox tag. Pretty painless. If you’re signed into the official forums, you need to sign out and then sign back in for name change to update.
After I pick up the kids I’m picking up tacos de carne asada…which means…MARGARITAS!
Optimist Hill stands no chance!!
Goodness gracious…this last 14GB is taking forever. May not make it to Optimist Hill for a few more hours. Guess I’ll exercise til then. Naw.