MSFS VR - Everything you NEED to know! | HP REVERB G2 & RIFT S

It’s still all a bit Wild West times, as the update today changed a lot of things that would have been good advice from the VR beta. At a top level though, there are two main ends of the rope to play with in terms of performance:

(a) the Sim end settings and its output resolution (game).

(b) the headset custom resolution and motion reprojection (post).

For (a) and the sim settings, the following make the most impact (I haven’t really verified this today, but it should be similar, if I’m completely wrong I’ll edit this message and blame DIscobot later).

  1. Render Scaling. You can play with this in combination with the Anti-Aliasing settings, especially TAA, which works really nicely in VR for giving details and smoothing. Example:

60% Render Scale + TAA - works pretty nicely in the C152, as the dials look good and the outside nice and smooth.

100% Render Scale + No antialiasing - works nicely in the A320 if you stare at the MCDU all the time and not outside.

Combo of (a) and (b) 75% + TAA and then a Custom Resolution of 150% on the Reverb G1.

So effectively play with different combos where you set a low game resolution plus use TAA and then oversample on the headset side (either in SteamVR or in the OpenXR util with ‘Custom Resolution’).

  1. Terrain LOD - try 50%, it really helps the vertices and doesn’t look much different.

  2. Volumetric Clouds. Above Medium hurts VR a lot.

  3. Glass Cockpit Refresh rate. High, as otherwise you get judders when it misses a frame on things with lots of glass./

  4. VR Traffic. Just try turning them all off, and then perhaps Road Vehicles back to 20. Very CPU intensive, so try to pair down unless running a monster.

There’s some historical info from the beta here, that’s now vieawable. It covers a lot of the witchcraft of Nvidia control panel settings, HAGS on/off, eye of newt etc. I can’t say if any of it is correct, but it’s interesting to look through anyway.

EDIT: Rather than be about a video I didn’t watch, I just created a new topic here for my settings: