I am using oculus and can’t get it to centre on my view. It puts it 90 degrees to the left. Pressing space bar makes it go black with a narrow row of tiles looking down
I’m with ya. Nobody reads anymore (so nobody writes anymore).
So far I’ve used 100% render scaling in-sim, and then adjusted the SteamVR Custom resolution multiplier instead.
So basically downscaling the sim resolution, in SteamVR.
Are you saying the other way around is more effective?
Off to test!
I’ve not seen that before, as no Oculus, but there are some new control bindings for vr eye view position, that are probably blank out of the box. I’ve bound cursor keys and a shift forward/back and depending on the aircraft have to set the initial view manually - so worth a try.
Yep, In the beta what worked better than expected was reducing Render Scale in the sim down to about 70% and then use the TAA antialiasing with it, and then oversample a bit in the headset resolution side (I’m Reverb so the OpenXR Dev Tools, but SteamVR will do the same on that side yeah).
For me it depends on what I want to fly, as it’s a trade off of clarity vs fps (as per every other VR title in existence of course).
Fun Fact Aside for Reverb Owners. The old ‘WMR for SteamVR’ actually allows you to use the SteamVR OpenXR stack on your WMR device, instead of the Microsoft OpenXR. I’m not sure why you’d want to do that but you can. In SteamVR on the ‘Developer’ panel here has a toggle:
To switch it back, the WMR portal nags and provides a new banner if it detects you’ve left the reservation:
One thing worth pointing out is that without Motion Smoothing (Valve calls reprojection ‘smoothing’) on then the SteamVR stack is pretty good. The Motion Reprojection ‘enabled’ switch via the OpenXR Dev Tools is pretty neat, so we’re in a case where SteamVR = nicer raw performance but Microsoft OpenXR = nicer motion reprojection algorithm. I think both camps are actively updating their OpenXR stuff practically every week, so it’ll even out.
re; “Fix It” ← wondered what generated that. Thanks.
I just did a few flights and I can confirm that the sim is flyable on my rig.
(Rift S, 2070 Super, i5)
Not great, but not bad for unoptimized.
I basically used the settings the sim recommended without any special stuff or anything that y’all or the videos suggested.
EDSB to EDVK in the Citation Longitude, and a quick traffic pattern with the 152 around EDSB.
I wish it was a tiny bit faster, then I could properly fly the Citation (I cannot read parts of the display using my Rift S. I can when I set the resolution to 100 but then I get some weird jittering).
Thanks @fearlessfrog the debug tool helped me get rid of the stencil.
Anyway, this is VERY promising!
Some weird issue with the sim losing focus and not accepting any control input just cost me my flight and put another crash in my logbook. <.expletive, stronger expletive>!
I have just discovered that 2080ti is not enough
Though the MSFS 2020 in VR looks sweet
Any idea how to get rid of the prop blur when using just the WMR and OpenXR (so no SteamVR)?
And it would be great to be able to bring in some external windows (littlenavmap, SkyDemon, youtube…)
Disable Motion Reprojection via the tool up here? → MSFS VR - Everything you NEED to know! | HP REVERB G2 & RIFT S - #9 by fearlessfrog
Okay, so it downloaded, finally. Seems it’s been since like the week it went live since I played it.
In VR, with an i7 6700K @4.5ghz, 32mb, nVidia 1080 8Mb…
- My long-in-the-tooth rig could handle it, but barely, VR. Clouds not so much. Low, slow, simple planes are about it.
- TAA wasn’t any worse on performance (I didn’t throw up the FPS meter) than no AA at all? Odd. Looked a lot nicer too.
- Finally flew over my house. Wife would not approve. But it was there. Seems the images are at least 4 years old.
- Coastlines near my part of the world looked surprisingly accurate, more than inland. Guess that makes sense.
- Best out of the box Grand Canyon I’ve seen.
- Without guns, rockets & missiles, air refueling, and carrier landings though it’s not going to see much use. At least relatively speaking.
- It needs a T-38 or similar. The Extra was lacking about 400 knots.
- Either I’m getting old[er] or the volume is too low. Kept trying to turn it up but was maxed out.
My hopes is that this will give VR a push. Ye Ole ‘trickle down’ theory applied to big boy toys.
Try the little macchi jet trainer. It’s no viper, but it ain’t no Cessna neither!
I got it to work with the rift. Just needed the new oculus update
Its very smooth with a lot of eye candy turned up. I really need a G2 to make the 3090 sweat a bit
Well, if you could spare a couple of GPU cycles, I think my 2080 would be more than happy to accept them
With a whole lot of tweaking and turning things down to low, it’s… playable. Haven’t tried in foul weather yet though, only in fair weather with a few scattered clouds.
I’ve got an 5600x incoming, and now I’m pretty curious if that is going to help any, as it seems to be GPU bound already on a i7 7700k.
This made quite a difference for me…
You have to update your OpenXR Developer Tools for Mixed Reality app to the latest version, otherwise you won’t see the custom render slider.
Start, then select the Microsoft store app, then click on the download/updates at the top right (looks like an arrow pointing down), and then select the OpenXR Developer Tools app (Took me awhile to figure that one out!).
Good grief this sim looks so good in VR… So I haven’t taken note of my settings. I just fired up the sim and went to my recently purchased Johnson Creek (3U2) and the Carenado Seminole and was totally blown away. I just used whatever the sim settings were defaulted to when I switched to VR mode and it looked great.
Oddly (or not) - when I first entered VR mode everything was jerky and FPS was horrible. Oh dear, I thought to myself…guess I’m going to have to start tweaking. I wanted to actually come back to this thread, so I tried to ALT-TAB out of the sim to my desktop. That wouldn’t work. So I tried CTRL-ALT-DEL to go to the Task Manager, which worked, but when I exited out of Task Manager and got dumped back into MSFS (still in VR) - everything was smooth as can be!
(All screens taken through the lens with my iPhone 6+)…
Johnson Creek is looking really cool with the add-on…
Up and away…went up the valley a bit, did a U-turn, came back down the valley to land. This sim would be fantastic for teaching some mountain valley flying techniques (if we could get some proper engine leaning and density altitude modeling anyway…) (right now the Seminole feels overpowered to me and my distant memory of its performance…)
Took off again and headed across the ridgeline to Reed (I92). MSFS’s accurate imagery makes it way easier to spot these airfields compared to some sims…and the scenery is just awesome. Saw a couple of moments where scenery mesh LOD seemed to adjust on the fly a bit…like some places sort of melted into place. It was hard to catch though…and you could only barely notice it.
Just a lovely place to fly around…
This was really the first opportunity I’ve had to mess around much with my G2 and I’m really impressed by the clarity, FOV, and colors. Very happy with it so far…and I’m impressed with MSFS VR so far.
For grins I D/L’d that and enabled it. Okay, yeah, it did seems a little smoother on my potato for FS2020. Not enough to push any sliders around though.
And, DCS sorta, kinda, seems a bit faster too. Maybe a few percent? Nothing approaching a scientific test mind you.
Thanks for the tip.
Oh, for others: my click-routing was slightly different. Rats, forgot to make notes, but there was no “arrow pointing down” for me but I found it under, if I recall, a ‘developer…something’ tab. But it was there.
There seem to be competing views on this, which are slightly off putting for a potential purchaser. Many say the G2 provides stunning views and is a great headset.
Others say that it has an annoyingly tiny sweet spot (I hated that in my Samsung Odyssey) and that the rest is distractingly out of focus to the point the wish to return the headset.
Not sure where I would come down on this, were the HMD sitting on the table in front of me, and so my money stays in my wallet while I try to discern the truth from afar.
Been seeing this a lot too. All I can think of: most of the negative’s, at least on The Tube, are from those I suspect ain’t got the experience messing with gear/settings someone like @BeachAV8R (and most here) have - out of necessity. Just my thoughts.
I am getting more performance out of FS2020/VR than I expected and I have my rig as tweaked as I can get it. Just not enough.