NATO Ministry of Information video thread

Excellent 1080p48 quality! :ok_hand: I wasn’t happy about the go-around but I guess it’s the nature of the beast.

Not DCS but parts of it looks like it could be a DCS video - Legacy Hornets


Cool video @jross , I subscribe to this channel myself. You might want to move it over to the NATO Ministry of Propaganda thread. That’s where a lot of the western real world aircraft videos are.

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I moved it. Love that video though. Thanks for posting it @jross !


I could watch fly-bys of F/A-18s all day. My favorite module in DCS is the Hornet.

Me, in VR, in my mind anyway :slight_smile:

While running deep tests on a system I have YT called up and this just ‘spoke to me’.

It’s only a few seconds…


So, there I was, deep in Honey-Do’s (screening in my back porch)…got me outta work for about 30 seconds.

Mirage overhead – rats, video won’t link., so…

This video is better :slightly_frowning_face:


Nice! I saw an F-35A in the wild for the first time as it flew over the schoolyard I was working. It was remarkably quiet, but a couple clicks off we could hear him opening up the throttle as he either turned or climbed (or both!)

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They are loud as hell on burner and mil

6 posts were split to a new topic: Software Defined Radio (SDR)

While I’m here. A RAAFie mate of mine reminded me of this not that long ago… he was there :slight_smile:

Also, this is why we need a F-111 in DCS


Ah, the Swept-Wing Cow Killer!

Way, waaaaay, back when they were flying them out of Cannon AFB, a report came in that some ranchers were getting a bit peeved abou the -111’s: they were fly so low/fast over the plains in eastern NM (and likely west Texas) they were literally scaring the cattle - to death! Can’t vouch for the details but it was something like that.


This popped up the other day and gave me a chuckle lol

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LOL! I’ve used that technique so many times. :smiley: The other day I was looking at some tires thinking, “Hmmm, the tread depth on this tire looks like it’s below minimum spec of 1.5 mm”. Squinted and blurred my vision a little … problem solved! :slight_smile:

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Oh nice! John “Rain” Waters from the Afterburn podcast taking the Viper out for a joy ride in South Beach Miami!


I guess that this is more of a NATO thing. @admins feel free to relocate as desired.

NATO in the Pacific. Best watched in 4K.