New Tank Sim: Gunner, HEAT, PC!

Release of T-64A obr. 1981 tank for Soviet forces

Notable characteristics:

  • 125mm smoothbore cannon firing the latest in Soviet ammunition (3BM32 “Vant” APFSDS)

  • TPD-2-49 gunner’s sight with split image coincidence rangefinder

  • Late model composite turret with “ultraporcelain” ball array in cast steel

  • Composite hull with steel-textolite sandwich

  • “MZ” carousel autoloader with vertical charges and bi-directional seeking

  • Opposed piston diesel engine

  • 3BM32 will frontally defeat the M1IP turret within around 800 meters, and it will defeat the M1 turret at up to double that distance

Above: The T-64A’s optical coincidence rangefinder in action, showing a target while using an improper range setting (left) and proper range setting (right)


  • Preliminary launch of Soviet Army GSFG with Soviet marked vehicle variants (

there are more Soviet vehicles still in production and they will be added in the future!


  • Russian crew voices added for Soviet Army vehicles

  • Russian crews give target alerts using “hull compass” system, a 60-unit circle with “30” at hull front

  • 3 new instant action missions featuring Soviet T-64A and BMP-2

  • T-64A training mission

  • Soviet Army now appears as red team in 50% of campaign missions

  • On-call artillery smoke shells are now available in many missions

  • Crew AI now attempts to relay spotting reports to HQ, and HQ relays them to platoons in turn (dependent on transmission delays, the crew remaining alive, and the radio being operational)

  • In-game tactical map now displays recent spotting reports and self-reports from friendly units

  • Exhaust effects on all vehicles have been overhauled to look more realistic

  • The restocking system now allows you to choose a specific ammo type or pull all types like before

  • While restocking, you can no longer instantly return to fighting positions - your crew must finish handling the current round


  • Modified field of view on most vehicle gunsights to match their real-world equivalents

  • Added ammunition data for 125mm APFSDS 3BM22 “Zakolka”

  • Added models for 3BM32 and 3BM22, which can both exclusively be carried in Soviet Army tanks (not East German)

  • Soviet forces’ ammo selection can now degrade with logistics losses: from 3BM32 to 3BM22 to 3BM15

  • Additional aircraft types are now available for CAS calls

  • Added Soviet variant of Mi-24 armed with 9M114 “Kokon” ATGMs

  • Tactical marker symbols added for Soviet Army vehicles (these are synced for vehicles per mission)

  • M2 Bradley now has unit markings

  • Power loss from fire is now delayed until the fire has burned for some time or an explosion occurs

  • Fire in the compartment now triggers an explicit alert on the damage HUD to avoid confusion

  • Large fires from aircraft crashes now block AI sight lines

  • Various visual effects have been improved and optimized

  • Parked vehicle props in the main menu scene are now updated to match the full vehicle models

  • Mission designer can now detect and/or force a vehicle change

  • Overhauled the crew voice system for optimization and better audio control

  • Slightly increased T-64A’s maximum AI aim time due to optical rangefinder

  • Refreshed some textures on T-64A

  • Added names to credits


  • Updated pathing in several missions to fix issues that prevented completion

  • Fixed AI drivers of wheeled vehicles getting confused and turning in circles

  • Fixed AI drivers reversing into battle in some situations

  • Fixed AI drivers driving in a sweeping zigzag pattern while trying to follow a formation

  • Fixed CAS button not working in certain situations

  • Optics with animated range adjustment no longer wait until the player enters optic view to begin adjusting

  • T-72 laser aiming mark will no longer stay hidden if the player exits optic view while it’s in cooldown

  • Fixed vehicles jittering around at low speeds on certain ground types

  • AI crews on vehicles equipped with thermal optics are no longer blinded by regular smoke obscuration (they will continue to be blinded by special compositions such as white phosphorous smoke shells)

  • T-55A now has its engine smoke system

  • AI crews will no longer elevate their weapons at odd angles while idly scanning for targets

  • Gunner will no longer say “cease fire” after every shot when calling his own shots while the commander is incapacitated

  • Fixed GST marker lamps and convoy number lamp on T-64A

  • Fixed a bug that could reset volume sliders

  • Fixed BMP-1P and BMP-2 not scorching properly when burned

  • Fixed issues with pre-destroyed vehicle wrecks

  • Fixed some mission triggers not working properly

  • Firing smoke grenades while in free cam will no longer launch all grenades at once

  • Fixed an issue where AI teammates using their rangefinders could cause glitches in the player’s rangefinder

  • Fixed a bug that could cause rangefinder elements to be visible from outside the optic

  • Fixed a large number of script stability issues


Oh My God Omg GIF


Oh god that is SWEEEEEEET. T64 is a great addition

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The backbone of Soviet armor formations of the time, IIRC. I don’t believe the T-80 was produced in sufficient quantities to make a real appearance until later. Would have been mostly T-64/T-72 backed up by massive quantities of T-55’s.

Makes me want to read Team Yankee again.
Can we have a Team Yankee story campaign?


Add to that a DLC for the European theater of Red Storm Rising…


The T-64A feels absolutely dickless in terms of engine power, but that gun is so good.


Holy barrel length, Batman!
Talk about compensating… For lacking engine I mean. :wink:


I finally bit the bullet and picked it up only to learn that I totally suck! lol! I jumped into it like my old Tank Platoon 2 days and literally died within minutes on the battlefield.

That said, I welcome any tips and/or links to tutorials.



I’ve been learning tips from PhanPhantasy:

I’m absolutely clueless and all I know is that 1. Even the piddly 105 equipped Abrams feel god-like and 2. I love IFVs.


Drive a bradley.


Isn’t it a 105?

My apologies but I’m not sure if your being funny or serious. Why a Bradley?

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it is a great vehicle in GHPC, the tow is modelled well as is the 25mm, then add the thermals… all round good vehicle


Awesome, thanks.

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Thanks for the link. Will definitely check it out

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Seriously, i feel absolutely invincible in the Bradley. That high turret can see over hills and tow missiles are incredibly accurate and satisfying


My B. It’s a 105. I had a brainfart.


Ask the people driving T-90s into the woods these days … :smiley:


Here I was thinking that the Abrams was top of the tank food chain. It seems that the Bradley is absolutely badass. Shows you how much I know about tanks. :sweat_smile: Time to do some research.

Abrams is good, now. Before it was no better than its contemporary tanks, more mobile, better optics in certain situations and maybe a little better armoured. But the russians had bigger guns.

The bradley is epic for shoot, hit hard and then run the hell away in a way that no mbt in the game can match. I can run rings around oncoming t72’s by being dug in, attacking and then turning tail and running for the next cover. On hilly terrain, poke the turret or the tow launcher above the brow and smoke all before they even see you