Oculus "Can't reach runtime service"

Said the pilot of a plane… :fearful:


I’m sure your patients take comfort in that beach, lol

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:rofl: Well, to be fair, the plane mostly flies itself. So as long as this monkey can type some stuff into the magic box…we stand a good chance.

Amiright Discobot?

@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Oh ouch.

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There! FTFY.


I got it!

I bet the programmer wrote a memo to the operations guys to not forget renewing the certificate…


So,great news that I now have my Rift working again, bad news is that after applying the patch I managed to take a fall in my kitchen this morning. This resulted in a broken right wrist, so now my stick/mouse hand is out of action and of course I am grounded IRL too. :flushed:

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Not to get wikifrog too much about this (I picture tens of people now closing their browser), but as I’ve not seen it talked about a lot on-line, this wasn’t really a mistake on forgetting to update the certificates date (like a website would use for TLS/HTTPS) but in how the windows drivers were signed. Windows requires that system files are ‘signed’ as in have something to prove they are from who they say they are. Windows will by default not run in the admin/ring0/1 things that aren’t signed.

When you sign you get the certificate and apply it to the files using the Windows signing tool. What you usually do is ‘chain’ up the certificate to the certificate of who issue it, as sort of ‘chain of trust’. What this means is that drivers and system files don’t usually have an expiry date, they have a ‘countersignature’ that even after the date range of your cert is over then it still works.

The poor Oculus ‘$15 * N being large number’ engineer didn’t sign the file correctly, so didn’t even think they had an expiry. Oops.

The update today ironically still hasn’t signed them correctly, but just moved the temporary expiry date to 2020. Oculus have said that they are now aware that this isn’t how to do it and will fix in the next update (now the updater is actually working). Often the installer/build guys/girls are more junior, as rockstars don’t want to do it, so installation issues seem to happen a disproportionate number of times.


Oh man :frowning:

That is one bad patch then. Hope you are feeling as ok as you can be though @PaulRix. Lot’s of time for browsing mudspike though! (um, trying to find silver lining…)

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Thanks Fearless, I feel just fine as long as I don’t put any pressure on my wrist. I’m sure the morphine shot is helping too ;). It is going to be frustrating not being able to fly or sim for awhile. Typing left handed is slow going too…


Yeah, sorry to hear that Paul. I’m coming out of my ankle cast tomorrow and looking forward to walking and taking a shower again. I’ll be appreciating the mundane things of life.


Mudspike is a dangerous place to be apparently. I’m going climbing tomorrow and have a bad feeling about this. :wink:


Ouch! Who told you to do such a stupid thing?
Broken wrist doesn’t sound fun at all.
I wish you a speedy recovery.

How do you know all this?
And how do one use the wikifrog? Like discobot?

@fearlessfrog what is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?


Does Frog have anything to worry about DiscoBot?

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it


I’d use doubled up ropes if I were you. Ice climbing? I’d stay home and eat chili.

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