@fearlessfrog https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByLXjCxF11XmWDlDTUNGdWF6VVU
@TheAlmightySnark https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByLXjCxF11XmNnZUSG5GQktzUGc
I’ll always try and keep this lòist updated.
There should (and will be) more incoming.
PS: Had to split as only 10 users can be metioned in a single post.
Well- I thought these forums were cool…
@EinsteinEP Hey- all you have to do is log a request here… Personalised Textures - Data Collection Edition
Awc’mon- don’t tell me you didn’t see that!
LOL, thanks for the service, @komemiute ! You do great work!
It IS a pleasure. Now- about those 10K € for my motion platform…
Seems like you should spend a little more effort organizing a collection activity of some sort.
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You HAVE GOT to be kidding me! D: THAT’S NOT FUNNY!
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Ok @near_blind - this is the repository…
I just found out some typos in the first posts and I can’t modify them!
May I direct your attention here?
May 24, 2017, 9:10am
I have a challenge for you. Watch this space
1 Like
May 24, 2017, 9:41am
So way back in the day Ken kesey and his band of merry pranksters drove around the states in this
Furthur is a 1939 International Harvester school bus purchased by author Ken Kesey in 1964 to carry his "Merry Band of Pranksters" cross-country, filming their counterculture adventures as they went. The bus featured prominently in Tom Wolfe's 1968 book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test but, due to the chaos of the trip and editing difficulties, footage of the journey was not released as a film until the 2011 documentary Magic Trip.
Kesey traveled to New York City in November 1963 with his wife Fa...
It looks the perfect skin for my rotary wing bus the good ol’ Mi-8MTV2 and if that is too taxing for you let me know and I will find you an easier one
Nothing terrible… except to look at!
What I need, and I can’t honestly spend time on- is looking for reference.
The most pictures you find me the faster I will work.
Then again, if you can- use the “proper” thread.
Well, hello fellow mudders- ehrm… spikers? Mudspikers? Anyway-
As for the other “Personalised Textures” thread I’ll be providing new exciting way to lose your Situational Awareness while simming!
What I need from each one of you (or at least those interested in this…) is something like this- to start at least.
1- A sequence composed of chosen name “CALLSIGN” chosen last name
it will end up around the canopy frame- where I find space, depending on the sim/airframe
2- A reference fo…