I did a start up this morning before work, i really do love that JFS sound, i aligned fine.

Make sure the chalks are in and the brake is on. Also make sure you dont reload during alignment.

Any movement confuses the alignment.

Also to be fair mine was from the mission editor


I would think you could almost get away with a xbox controller


I am still checking with the manual.
You might be right

I am not yet sure how many of the directional switches of the WSO sticks are really used

Didn’t we have a resident Mudhen WSO at some point? Haven’t had my cup of Joe yet.


If something happens and you need to use your control stick just switch to pilot seat (press 1) and just use the same stick you’re holding to pull up of whatever evasive maneouver you need to perform.

I feel like you’re missing my point. It’s ok man. :slight_smile:

I had the choks in, didn’t moved the aircraft at all, maybe the training mission is bugged?

I don’t think I do, my reasoning is that you have mapped control stick + throttle to your HOTAS as usuall, and when you switch to WSO seat you map the 2 exclusive WSO sticks to you HOTAS. Now when you need to use control stick and throttle you do it from the pilots seat, and when you need to use those WSO-only sticks you do it from WSO seat. I don’t see use of using control stick and throttle for WSO station, when you can use those from pilot’s seat. Normally the WSO would not use them when pilot is flying the aircraft anyway? They suppose to be a backup when pilot gets incapacitated right?

You do miss my point in fact BUT, admittedly, I didn’t do much to exemplify what I meant so please don’t take offence at my words so far.

I’ll try to correct my whole train of thought here.

In short- I want to just be the WSO, not fly the bird alone form both seats.

Thus I want to have the control HOTAS mapped as, when I say “anything can happen”, I mostly mean that my pilot might have any sort of emergency (in game or RL) and I need to keep the Mudhen straight and level or even perform some other maneuver.

The whole fact that it is complex and requires conscious effort to have all the peripherals and buttons mapped and in workable order is part of the pleasure of being a Strike Eagle WSO.

Will it last? Who knows! For now I find it extremely engaging though. ^-^


OK, that clears things a bit :joy: I was referring to flying SP. Now I see your point, no harm done :wink:


The moment I read your well expressed post, which makes perfect sense in SP optic, I knew my post was missing crucial information.

TBH I am so unpredictably excited about the Strike Eagle that I am constantly shifting on my chair as I remember last night flight.
I just love the way it sounds, feels, and performs. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks and ditto! :+1:


Yeah! I was trying to think of his name last night. He gave me some great ACM tips at one point. I feel like an ass for not remembering his name.


I was looking around briefly this morning at load outs, am I missing something or are JDAMs not supported here

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Paging @whareagle

Not currently, they will be added as early access progresses.

Currently we are limited to LGBUs, GP, and CBUs.

I believe we are slated for JDAM, Mavricks, and the awesome AGM-130. Also the GBU-15 and 28.

Much later we have potential for the SDB as well.

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Thanks, I must have missed that. This is what I needed to stay strong and hold out for the Phantom :laughing:

No, I think that I was thinking of @klarsnow, but he hasn’t posted in 2 years. Hope that he is well.


He’s doing ok.


@klarsnow. That’s the guy!


Yeah he was a nice guy! Really interesting stories and all round nice bloke