Show us your sim pit!

there is an image floating around of basic cockpit measurements for pilot ergonomics, think from memory it is out of an F-18… should give you a good approximation for setting yourself up.

I’m sure I have it stashed somewhere for reference…standby
found it!


Fantasic diagram @gadget, thanks! I was thinking the seat hight would be about 12 inches but it looks like it’s 10.16" to 7.46" front to back for the F-18 to be exact! :slight_smile:

Thanks … I’ll have to build a proper sim pit one day to get it that low. In the mean time the chair I found turned out great! …

Same height as my old office chair and I’m glad those armrests are completely adjustable (racheting) or I might have trouble getting in and out of it as it DOES NOT move. The thing is built like a tank and super comfortable. I also noticed the box underneath has a door on the front so you can store stuff in there.


In the back pocket you can put the checklists…


Good point. I can quite easily reach around and grab it out of there. I should’ve straightened the pleats of the pocket for the pic. It looks way better than that.

Should I take a bolt cutter to the seatbelt receptacle? :slight_smile:


For those unaware ( or lots track of development) of this unit.

The plans are now available as a (non-commercial) DIY license
find the details & videos here.
Motion Integrated G-Seat for Makers.
well worth the consideration


I’ve been following Bergisons developments and he’s got some very cool ideas!

For quite some time I was considering (& designing) a full 6DoF motion platform, but after discussions on the forums over at xsimulator net, it was pointed out to me by some of the more experienced guys that for Rotay wing flight simulation (which is primarily what i do being an rotor jock) even a full 6DoF platform, it would be difficult to emulate all the forces without the addition of a G seat as well., then when I stumbled on Bergisons motion G seat, I knew I had stumbled onto a winner (for my requirements anyway)
In VR i dont really need full 6DoF, just the odd tip or nudge ~10 degrees or so, to help eliminate any potential vertigo & add to the immersion.

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Exactly. Making a 6DOF motion platform requires quite strong motors to be able to react fast enough. If the platform lags even a little bit, you’re better off with something that can induce a smaller movement or hint of a force.

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Just found this in my YT feed.

How cool is that :+1:

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Nice and compact but it would be too confining for me.

Lol, the Happy Wife comment reminded me of something I heard a guy say on a talk show recently though.

“If I’m right there’s going to be a fight. If she’s happy I feel crappy.”




I’m actually thinking about a wardrobe solution myself…

Got a good laugh out of that @wheelsup_cavu. :smiley: My wife does not approve of the “nightlight” I have mounted before the entrance to my “cave” either ha ha! …

I refuse to hide my hobby! All my crap is right there waiting to shock passers-by LOL! People walk into the room and say, “Whoa! Are you a day trader or something?”. ( I currently have six monitors running off two computers)


i designed a little cupboard for a mate, starved for space & with some curious little fingers resident…
came up with this “desk pit” that he could stow & secure all his controllers from the offspring & keep the clutter off his desk, with minimum setup/packup.

never ended up building it for him, but it was an interesting project.
no doubt there would have needed to be adjustments to some measurements.

I like how he had everything basically ready to go in his cupboard.
it would become a chore if you had to dismantle too much every time you were finished, then have to motivate yourself to reassemble the eifel tower…


My 3D printed Hornet simpit is nearing completion, only a few more items left to add, and then I have an OpenHornet seat kit coming soon to cap it off.


@WarPig That Sir is a work of art. I’m jealous.


Thank you. I take none of the credit other than printing it, Jself created the plans and was kind enough to share his files:

The cool thing is no post-processing has been done, all of mine came off the printer as-is except for assembly, no painting or sanding at all. My goal is to have every single switch in the Hornet mapped and be able to do anything in the cockpit without ever having to use the mouse. So far I’m only missing the seat controls and the dispense switch, soon to be wired/mounted.

Honestly the amount of work to build it was surprisingly low. My wife was kind enough to keep my printer going while I was away on long trips, which was wonderful of her. If I actually counted up the number of days it took to put together, it would probably total up less than two weeks, or a handful of weekends. It’s just that I’m gone (out on the road) so much that my available spare time to work on it was pretty sparse. I think I started printing parts for it in March of ‘21, finished the front panel by June or July, and then the plans for the consoles came out in October, and I finished printing them in May of this year, IIRC. The rest of this summer I was distracted printing and assembling three sets of Authentikit Spitfire controls.


Very impressive sir, bravo!


very cool! I envy one thing, and that is single-airframe dedication :slight_smile:

on another note, I just disassembled my home cockpit. my garage is almost complete so I need to move lot of things from hause there together with self units and my cockpit was part of such self unit.

but dont know if I will rebuild my cockpit in the garage. maybe if I sweep the floor so often as Smokinhole his hangar … :wink:

fortunately I am on laptop so I can sim on a sofa right now.


Same here!
I’d love to build me a Viggen pit…and a Spitfire pit. Oh! An F-16 pit would be cool too! I need a larger basement! :wink: