Back in the day…There was a quote hanging up in the intel center at NAS Oceana, purportedly from Soviet General that said:
“It is useless to plan against American doctrine. Most Americans don’t read their doctrine and those that do read it, do not feel compelled to follow it.”
…or something like that. True? I am skeptical about the authorship by in a lot of cases its general theme seems about right.
Yes we use doctrine–i.e. “the book”–but as a guide, not a rule, certainly not a strait jacket. So if we don’t do that in realty I can hardly make a case for doing it in virtual reality. 

My thought on this thread is to discuss “sim-isms” vs “reality”. The bunny hop example I used is a blatant sim-ism. Although I have never participated in ground actions, I’m pretty sure that jumping a couple of feet in the air when a grenade explodes right next to me is not going to completely save me from injury.
At one end of the spectrum, that is what I am talking about.
Closer to the other end of the spectrum is the story I posted on the favorite gaming moments thread. Short version. Playing Age of Empires II against the wife. I build a textbook, medieval army–proper mix of swords men and pike men infantry, supported by a robust line of archers, and cavalry protecting the flanks. My wife built “a bunch of horsies” (all cavalry) and kicked my butt. It was a Middle Ages Tank Rush. I wasn’t happy.
Did she do anything wrong or might be considered cheating? No, absolutely not. True, the same tactics didn’t work out for the French at Agincourt, but this was AOE2, not the Hundred Years War so…I lost fair and square. In other words, she wasn’t bunny hopping.
That is what I am trying to get at. I know that there are the equivalents of building “a bunch of horsies” in DCS–like spewing off 4 x AIM-54s to get an enemy jinking until you can put a Sidewinder up his tailpipe. In reality, the American taxpayers may frown on that tactic but, in DCS World, missile are free.
Take last night (SP) my not breaking off an engagement against an L-39 when I hit Bingo fuel. I was in a Fulcrum. I could have probably out run him at idle throttle. But no I stayed in the fight and flamed out before I was able to get a good lock and kill him. I win! No gulags in the virtual world!
I think the examples above are just players being creative and showing initiative. Doctrine? I think I tried a Hi Yo-Yo somewhere in my dog fight…but my TrackIR was being a bit goofy so I just went 1 circle with him…that should be doctrine enough. 
My question then becomes, “Is there stuff in DCS that is blatantly Bunny Hopping?” If so what and hw do we feel about it?
Same goes for other games.
FPS? (Did you know that in STALKER CS,in one area you can run right off the map to avoid getting killed?)
RTS? (in AOE2 if you make bunch of horsies…did I already mention that)
RPG? (Kind of hard in some RPGs when you have Magic and enchanted swords and stuff, bit still…)
Hopefully that is what this thread evolves into.