Star Wars Squadrons coming out

Hmmm… does it work with the original version of the game (not Steam or GOG)?

Edit: also: what about other languages? I have the German version and with the old HD mods all texts suddenly were in English. I don’t care that much, just wondered.

Interested we are!!!

I’m waiting for XWVM

also supports VR and TrackIR.


Keep in mind XWA Updgrade and XWVM mod are two different mods. If you read the disclaimer of the second video posted, they state that what they show has some additional things that are being tested besides what yo can find at the XWA Upgrade site (I think what they are testing are some of the mods from XWVM, but it’s hard to tell).

I actually had XWA installed with the XWA Upgrade mod, but just uninstalled it. It’s a HUGE improvement over what it used to be like, but doesn’t have everything you see in those youtube videos (yet, I guess).

I’m actually confused now about what those videos are showing off, and if it’s available to the public or not.

I was a sucker and pre-purchased it on Steam since it has Vive and Oculus support. Not sure how EA works with VR.

Is it me or in the reveal trailer at the 1.11 mark is that meant to be wedge Antilles, played by Dennis Lawson …

It’s Wedge alright, looks like he’s one of the camoes mentioned by EA.

What a fantastic read.

I always felt TIE Fighter was something special. Nice to learn something about it’s creation. Sometimes you really can see the love put into an artwork.


Gameplay Footage:

Some major drama in the X-Wing upgrade team!

Wow. I’ve been reading the XWAU forum on and off, checking for updates for the better part of 10+ years, and he’s always been…controversial. I can’t say I’m surprised with his departure, but he deliberately sabotaged the installers! That’s a new level of vindictive behavior!

I was bit surprised to see EA take a chance on cockpit only . That alone peaked my interest a bit more as well as that large battle mode which looks like it could be a bit tactical.

…what petty crap thing that Darksaber did…

People can be like that, I had it happen once when a trusted officer had a sissy fit and disbanded our Ever-quest guild overnight. Stole loot items from the bank, too, and the mods wouldn’t do anything.

Well…his screen name was “Darksaber”…that might have been clue…just say’n…he pretty much acted the way that Darth Vader did when his girlfriend got killed (or whatever happened to her)…Life imitating Art?

Speaking of nasty actions, did they ever catch whoever hacked the Avsim site in, IIRC, 2008?

Reading that in Palpatine voice, it almost works…

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Looks like he joined the dark side, what a troll…

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Well even Hulk Hogan joined the dark side when the money got better being the bad guy. :wink:


Latest work in progress video:


The last few months, I felt a bit done with flight sims and took up the Mass Effect Trilogy with my girlfriend during the quarantaine (they’re her favourite games ever). That was fun, and led to me wanting to play Elite, then the SW: Squadrons announcement dropped and now I find myself continuing my campaign in X-Wing Alliance.

For reference: I wasn’t even born when the original X-Wing game released, but got the games in a Star Wars Humble Bundle, and was convinced to try them because of what I read about them everywhere.

I am absolutely loving it, and was looking forward to flying the familiar spacecraft in VR late this year with SW:Squadrons. Of course, I wasn’t expecting the kind of amazing single player campaign that the 90s games delivered, but just the VR alone would be worth it, I thought.

And now I come here, to ask if you are playing these games to, to discover that the graphics mod includes fricking VR support??! It feels like my Christmas present was just delivered, can’t wait to try it!

Thanks for the heads-up, I’ll be at the CRS Liberty!

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Dude, you must play TIE Fighter and X-Wing. Yeah they don’t do VR and aren’t latest/greatest graphics, but they are truly special games!