Star Wars Squadrons

Unless you boost, you can’t drift and drifting is a key gameplay mechanic for MP games against the AI. I think there’s even a bit in the single player campaign where it won’t let you continue until you complete a boost/drift move. It is a bit fiddly but is needed (for better or worse, I mean physics is really just a remote acquaintance rather than a true friend to this game).

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Reminds me of the SLAM on the old Missile Boat from the X-wing/ TIE Fighter series.

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I believe it is called the SLAM engine in SWS, isn’t it?

I appreciate that the devs were fans of the source material and sneak in little nods here and there.

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No clue, I haven’t made it far enough in story mode to find out (I’m sorta kinda pretty stuck on the second mission).

Capturing the Star Destroyer? Did you know that the boarding point is on the back of the neck of the SD? Then once you find it, you need to shoot it.

I didn’t twig on to that for awhile.

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Defend the convoy. Too busy trying to not die to be able to tell which fighters are targeting me versus which are targeting the convoy.

A lot of the single player missions rely on you giving your AI squadmates orders - if you pick anything that is not attacking you and do a ‘Attack this target’ comms command, and then go deal with who is targeting you (select attacking target) then it gets easier.

It’s a bit like DCS when if you assume the AI is a dribbling mess then they become useful idiots. The best use of the AI is just the constant resupply requests, as later on those get important to keep you stocked up with toys.

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Hmmm, not sure which mission that is. I’m terrible at using them, but the wingman commands seem to really help out, whether it’s keeping bandits off your behind or sending them off to protect one of the ships you’re escorting while you take the other.

That and whatever button you have for resupply. Between the resupplies and your Self heal (which I totally ignored for the longest time) you can usually hang in there almost indefinitely.

Edit: beaten to the punch!

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I have far more trouble with SA in SWS than I do in DCS or Il-2 or even the old X Wing games.
Most of the time everything seems to “busy” in the cluttered sense that I just never can tell where I’m getting attacked from.

As for the campaign mission that required boost, I died like 5x in a row at that point and almost quit. Afterwards, I’ve passed every mission on the first try. So it REALLY does not suit my play style, along with the aforementioned Logi 3D issues getting it to engage.


Yeah, I’ve noticed the same thing exactly; not sure yet if that’s a me thing or a game thing, but yeah, it all feels really busy without being super informational. I miss the old reticle from the X-Wing games that would tell you when you’re under fire, and from what (fighter, capital ship flak, warhead, etc). Add in that I still haven’t found the targeting commands yet for “target unit attacking mission-critical craft” or “target my attacker” and it’s not making for a very good time yet.

I sort of gave up on HOTAS and play with an Xbox controller in VR. The gameplay really wants you to map things as it wants to see as a priority.

I changed the cockpit helper settings to ‘no indicators’ (too busy otherwise) and just stare at the targeting display ‘radar’ on the left for orientation. I also remapped X-axis to be inverted (so pull down for raise nose, because I’m not insane) and changed the Y-axis to Roll rather than Yaw.

Maybe with trackIR and VR it’s easier, as it is definitely not a game where there is an ‘Up’ or horizon to orient on. Having said that, the capital ships and missions do tend to be in that traditional ‘Everyone aligned on the same plane’ way.

Double tapping A gives you ‘target my attacker’


@fearlessfrog mirrors my experience exactly. Even in VR I do not attempt to visually acquire anything. I stare at the targeting display until the thing I want to shoot is within an inch of the crosshairs. Anyway, in a low-vis machine like the tie-fighter there really isn’t any other choice. I find that if I perceive the gameplay as I would have when I was 12, it ticks all the right boxes.

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I personally think VR helps even in the MiG-21, I mean TIE Fighter. I do much worse without it.


I’ve been getting pretty addicted to Elite since it was free over the Christmas holidays and everyone I knew started playing it.
But my brother has since moved to SW:Squadrons and the last time I tried it, my rudder pedals didn’t work yet.

So last week I asked him to help me set the controls up and fly together for a bit. He helped me narrow down all the non-AI-command controls and then we were flying.

I was sitting in VR with my 20cm extended T-50CM2 and the TWCS throttle.

And it felt underwhelming. Last time I felt like I was in a movie when playing the single player, though I sucked at aiming. But now it just felt numb. The multiplayer action was very fast and didn’t have a lot of tension, it felt more like Halo or Call Of Duty than DCS or Elite. The stick felt very unresponsive and I had to smash it with a lot of violence to get the nose to move. I didn’t ‘get’ boosting and drifting, it felt very unnatural.

And worst of all, I kept moving the mini-stick on my throttle trying to use vertical and lateral thrusters. But unlike Elite, they don’t exist here, of course. Quite disappointed, this won’t break my Elite addiction (I just unlocked Bill Turner).

I see many of you are playing this more like an FPS with a gamepad/controller even in VR. Guess it’s not just me. Luckily the A-4E EFM just released so maybe DCS can break my Elite addiction


Nothing wrong with a period of Elite addiction. Just give in to it man! It’s not like you have an obligation to play anything. It’s a great game, and much of the antihype is just that, mass hysteria.


I know, but it’s been over a month now and I get itchy when I don’t play for a day…
Now if I just get those G5 efficient Plasma Accelerators, I will have no excuses for failing at PvP and I will no doubt lose interest again.

But you’re right, I do feel like I need to play DCS because that is why I bought all this gear and like I need to finish the Christmas Flight and that’s bull****. Thanks for the support!


Been playing a lot of this game and have really enjoyed it. Its different from the xwing vs tie fighter games of old but a great game in its own right. I’ll admit at first the control schemes and lack of trackir support bugged me. Since then, HOTAS specific control options, TIR support added, new map and a couple new fighter/bombers have really made a difference for me. The price is fair and action is fun in multiplayer (human or AI), the only thing it needs now is some content to keep it going like new maps or game modes.


Welcome to Mudspike!


Hi, would you recommend getting this game for someone who wants to go just for the single player campaign and play with hotas and VR?

Are any DLCs planned?

I see it is now for some 16 euros at Steam so I am thinking… :grinning:


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IIRC a DLC has been released already and there’s another planned?

Quote: EA Motive revealed that two free content updates are scheduled to hit this year