Star Wars Squadrons

I’m beginning to see the wisdom in that; I’ve been shot down four times so far in the first story mission, after strongly disagreeing with the UI for setting up my stick to begin with. Time to dig out the gamepad, I guess…

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Give it a go! I might try my Xbone controller as well.

I just find the hat switches on the HOTAS invaluable for energy and shield management. I’m constantly adjusting those in the heat of battle.

Make that eight times now.

Also maybe I’m getting old or maybe I’m still used to the X-wing LES displays, but I’m having a hard time telling where my system power is and what it’s doing. Especially the charge rate on my lasers.

It’s probably you, try the password reset function. :wink:

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This account creation page was pretty wonky for me as well. I had to type my mail address in Windows Editor and copy & paste it to the entry field because whenever i typed certain letters the entry field was reset.

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For shields and Empire energy management the gamepad dynamics work really well and can be changed to suit the player’s particular brain. I am not sure it this default or not but an example is how I have “B” set up: a normal press is “normal”, or evenly distributed, shields. A panicked double pump of B reflects my panic from a headon and diverts power forward. Finally a long press diverts aft. It’s not as fast as having every button yield a different function but it is almost as intuitive.

The mouse does not function in the menus. Period. It was designed to be used with a gamepad, so you have to keyboard it.

I have a Logi Extreme 3D stick with only 7 buttons + hat so I don’t have nearly the number of buttons I need. I think I have some buttons mapped to hold vs press and such, but right now all I can remember is the main function of each. Still need more time with it. Of course the stick is like 15 years old and spikes badly.

Yeah, I’m trying to remember when I would’ve set up an EA account, and what (obviously very old) email account I did it under. And how to access that account to verify.

Edit: on a related note, what controls does one actually need to set up? There seems to be a lot of duplication, and I’m still trying to sort out what is what for actually usable versus optional, at least initially.

Have you ever played a game that used Origin?
Such as Jedi Fallen Order or Battlefield.
Even if you used Steam to launch it you might have created the account back then.

Or maybe you played Madden/FIFA or something on a console? Same thing. That’s how I got my EA account.

I haven’t- I’m beginning to think that the only way I could have an account tied to EA would be from SimCity 4…18 years ago.

That one reeled me in. Even so, that fricking process almost made me return it and ask for my money back. RDR2 was even worse.


I guess I can be happy that I joined in an easier time. All they wanted to have back then was an email-address and it took, like, five minutes.

I’d have to look again, but don’t most of the ships have some sort of nod to the LES?

If not, you will figure out where the similarly colored red Laser lights, green Shields display, and blue Engine boost bar is.

That last one is hardest for me.

Edit: Lower left. Left of the T/B in the targeting display.

I mostly ignore the boost thing. It wasn’t part of the old games and my stick doesn’t like doing it so I just forget it exists.

It took me a while to realize how boost works… you gotta reroute power to Thrusters first, then wait a few seconds to let the amber line rise (it needs to charge up power) next to the blue line. THEN you can use boost, which will consume the amber line.

Oh yeah, that I get. But it’s more like a Thach Weave to me.

Sure, I understand what it is and how it works. I just don’t get when I should actually use it or if it’s worth the effort to do so when simpler methods can also work. In other words, I don’t feel the game would be reduced in any way if it was simply removed altogether.

Having read around a bit, the best argument for boost as a mechanic is to forestall the endless Lufbery to which earlier games were occasionally prone.

Sort of Energy Fighting in a game that has no gravity.

On a practical note, I have had a slippery TIE Interceptor or A Wing do a pretty good job of blasting in, unloading his Laser capacitor, and blasting out before I could zap him.

Boost is also nice for bombers to get either across the map, into torpedo range, or most importantly, OUT of torpedo range.

The one engine that always feeds your boost is a nice way to keep it handy without constantly worrying about it.

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I’m not saying you’re right…

I’m just saying this guy didn’t Boom and Zoom.


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Oh that’s easy. When you have a Space Zero on your tail, and your Space Wildcat buddy is off your wing anywhere from a few hundred space feet, to about a space mile headed in the same direction as you are. Perfect time to use the Space Thach Weave (STW).

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